A New Mexico cop shot another cop with no provocation.

Off-Topic Discussions

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Manwolf wrote:
Sorry, I'm not trying to offend or be part of an argument. I'll not be posting on these forums any longer.

if you run this swiftly every time someone disagrees with you, you're in for a tough life.

Liberty's Edge

Freehold DM wrote:
ShinHakkaider wrote:
Black woman ends up in Psych Ward because cops don't believe that she owns BMW
I remember that story. Lots wrong with it, and I work in mental health

While I guess I see why sometimes fact checking potential delusions isn't a good idea, the three things they were concerned about are pretty damn simple. Look at the car's registration (or her DMV records), call her employer, and look at her twitter account.


Or you know, don't confiscate people's cars without proper cause.

Yeah, definitely seems like two major points of failure there.

1) There was no reason to take her into custody in the first place and thus to impound the car. But that's just routine police overreach. Not excusable, but also not unexpected.

2) There was far, far less reason to forcibly commit her when she came to pickup her car. That's just obscene.

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