Zhyth |

In the game of RotRL that I'm running, my players are very close to reaching Xin-Shalast, and certainly will reach it in the next session. What I'd like to do is give them something of free-roam through the city, making it a bit of a sandbox where they can explore whichever buildings they want (within reason, of course). However, the AP doesn't seem to really give much in terms of what can be found in the city, especially in most of the "named" buildings.
Some of the areas (such as the Lair of the Hidden Beast or Ghlorofaex's Lair) are both mapped and given encounters; some (such as Krak Naratha) are given encounters, but no maps; and some (such as The Temple of the Sihedron) are given neither maps nor encounters. What I'm looking for, then, is ideas about what kind of encounters I can throw into the city at the marked buildings, and ideas for what each of them might look like / contain, so that I can (poorly) map them.
Any help is greatly appreciated, and thanks in advance!

RuyanVe |

Greetings, fellow traveller.
I'd advice having a look at the Lost cities book from Paizo where Xin-Shalast is described, maybe this could you some more ideas for encounters.
The only encounters I can think of is
a) a group of giants/monsters looting a building/treasure trove
b) a patrol with/without slaves in tow
c) a building that is literally going to topple on top of the party/an avalanche