Trust system

Carrion Crown

I know the Trust system is a little broken. I thought this thread could focus on fixing it.

For example, I know that the ways you can actually earn Trust are highly limited, yet you continually lose 1 Trust per game day, putting the PC's on a far more restrictive clock than the VESORIANNA scrawlings.

So, how to fix this?

Silver Crusade


1. Double all the rewards written in the book.
2. Throw in additional rewards not in the book if the PCs make an effort.
3. Forget the whole trust system as soon as the PCs do something to derail it instead of desperatly clinging onto it.

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+1 to Blackbot. Don't worry about the system too much. I role-played the effects of the Trust score and never told my PCs what their exact score was. This allowed me more storytelling freedom rather than stating, "Your trust is 21, so he'll sell it normal price."

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