Difficulty for a Party of Three

Skull & Shackles

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Hey yall,

I'm looking to run this AP some time soon and have already made a number of alterations to it, some of which based on the feedback here on the Paizo-boards! From what I gathered here and simply by reading through the books, the difficulty of a number of encounters is pretty high for parties of four to five. From the looks of it, we will be running it with a solid group of three players, plus one occasional on-and-off character who will just disappear within the ranks of the crew when the player is not available.

My question is, has anyone here run the AP with a small group before? Are there any things in the books that are in need of immediate changes just because the party is smaller?

I've run it with three before. I just make an NPC to go along with them. It's easier than changing the entire AP.

Nawtyit wrote:
I've run it with three before. I just make an NPC to go along with them. It's easier than changing the entire AP.

Thank you for your input. I might allow them a temporary pseudo-cohort for particularly tough bits, but I really wouldn't want to be playing a permanent protagonist who travels with the party.

Deathstar wrote:
We will be running it with a solid group of three players, plus one occasional on-and-off character who will just disappear within the ranks of the crew when the player is not available.

Let the player leave his character sheet and let the other players use this PC in combat. That is how we do it at my table when one player is absent. It provides continuity for all characters and for the campaign.

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