Full Deck Lists with card counts?

Pathfinder Adventure Card Game General Discussion

Liberty's Edge

Has anyone published a full deck list for Wrath and the various AP decks yet?

I noticed in deck 3, that I received only 101 cards, and don't have any of the Blessing of Starsong. But I can't tell everything that I am missing.

Looking at other decks, other numbers seem off (haven't done a full accounting yet), but I only have 4 Blessing of Nethys from deck 2 - but had 6 Blessing of Deskari in deck 1.

Is that normal?

For wrath, the deck lists are on the product pages.

Base Set
Character Add-on Deck
Deck 2
Deck 3

For RotR, S&S, and the class decks, deck lists are in the free resources.

Liberty's Edge

Thanks Hawkmoon.

That helped me confirm that I'm missing the blessings and loot from deck 3 (which is what I thought).

Also confirmed that my other decks should be all right (since the variable number of blessings appears to be normal)

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