Giant Slayer’s Handbook

Pathfinder Society

Are the Campaign traits in the Players Guide section of the Giant Slayer’s Handbook (pgs. 30-31) legal for play?

Under Additional Resources, it doesn’t address this section of the book at all. It does not say these traits are legal, but it doesn’t indicate they aren’t, either.

5/5 **** Venture-Captain, Massachusetts—Central & West

Guide to Organized Play, page 9 wrote:

Characters choose their traits from six different

categories: basic, campaign, equipment, race, region,
and religion. A character can have only one trait from
each category (or subcategory, in the case of basic traits,
which fall into the areas of combat, faith, magic, and
social). Your character’s choice of faction opens up
additional trait choices presented in Chapter 4 of this
guide. These faction traits count as campaign traits—
in effect, they are the campaign traits for Pathfinder
Society Organized Play. No other campaign traits from
any source are legal for characters to choose.
In order to
select a faction trait, your character must belong to the
associated faction.

No, highlighted above for emphasis.

However, there are some boons that allow you to take Campaign traits from adventure paths.

Shoot, was afraid of that. There is a campaign trait in the book that would have been perfect for my character.



Grand Lodge 5/5

This was the Paizocon 2015 GM Boon, you could try and head over to the trade thread and see if someone could part with it. I already gave mine away.

So what did the boon state, exactly? That you could choose a Campaign trait from the Giant Slayer's Handbook?

And what was the name of the boon? Or was "Paizocon 2015 GM Boon" the actual name?

Edit: found a description on the boon. Thanks for the heads up!

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