Unable to pay with Store Credit

Customer Service

Silver Crusade

I currently have Store Credit more than 34 USD available to me.
I cannot use my Store Credit to pay for my purchases.

Steps to reproduce:
1) Select a product:
http://paizo.com/products/btpy9ezv?Pathfinder-Cards-Pathfinder-Society-Face -Cards
2) Press Add to Cart
3) Press View Cart
4) Press Proceed to Checkout
5) Press 3 Payment Method
* "Pay with store credit" button available
* No expected selection is visible. Only parts visible are my credit card option, "Select Another Payment Method" button, Promotion & Gift Certificates section.

Paizo Employee Customer Service Representative

Hello Tiaburn,

Thank you for letting us know about this! I'm sorry that you are having issues with the store credit on your account. Our tech team is currently looking into what may make this happen, but I should be able to help you in the meantime.

If you create an order and are unable to use your store credit, just let me know either the order number, or which items are in the order, and I should be able to find it on your account and enter the store credit manually.

If there are any further questions you may have in the meantime, don't hesitate to ask.


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