Arcane fist (magus archatype)

Homebrew and House Rules

OK I have been informed that this is a better place to put this.

Credits go to Trajan_ and darthmarth28 for coming up with the archatype. Im going to be playing this in conjunction with hex crafter was wondering what you guys think of the archatype and custom arcanas.

arcane fist archatype

Build suggestions and possible tweeks to it for balancing please. The creator Trajan_ will be seeing this.

RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 16

Admittedly, I'm really bias when looking at this. I've seen several attempts of an unarmed magus archetype and did not like any of them. The one from the MCA project was enough to dissuade me from ever looking at the works coming out of the MCA. I tend to have high standards and my biggest issue with the archetypes is that they make too obvious of design decisions that don't make a very good archetype in my eyes. In other words, they try too hard to make the magus like the monk when the concept could be much more awesome than that.

I have mixed feelings about flurry of blows there. In addition, arcane conduit doesn't work the way you intend. It lets the magus cast a spell while using flurry of blows without sacrificing an attack (like spell combat does).

I'm not crazy about the changes to arcane pool at all. If I were to design an unarmed magus archetype, I'd only change arcane pool so you could enhance your unarmed strikes with it.

It's not good design to give a 1st level ability in exchange for one you get much later. Really, you should have not changed bonus feats at all and instead have the "you count as a monk for feats" thing replace fighter training.

I think polar casting, while neat, is way too strong. That can be abused to essentially deliver three spells (four with Quicken Spell) in a single round.

Ok. So
Bounus feats need a small change, polar casting needs a nerf and flurry needs some re-wording. I'll talk it over with Trajan and see what we can do. Maybe instead of flurry of blows we could foucuse on using the spells as the main source of combat?

RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 16

If you want flurry like an unchained monk, I recommend giving it diminished spellcasting as a consequence. Maybe something like this

  • Weapon and Armor Proficiencies: As a monk. No armor and shields.
  • Diminished Spellcasting:
  • Canny Defense: Like a duelist except you don't have to wield a melee weapon.
  • Improved Unarmed Strike: As an unchained monk.
  • Flurry of Blows: As an unchained monk except you apply your full Strength bonus to all damage rolls (two-handing weapons confers no bonus).
  • Arcane Conduit: When making a flurry of blows, you can substitute one of your extra full BAB attacks to cast a standard action spell. You must have one hand free while making flurry of blows to do this. Can take a penalty on all attacks to gain a bonus on concentration checks up a maximum equal to Intelligence bonus. At 8th level, gain a +2 bonus to concentration checks in addition to the ones given by this ability. At 14th level, the concentration bonus given by this ability is equal to double of the penalty taken. Replaces spell combat and improved spell combat and greater spell combat.
  • Arcane Pool: Can enhance unarmed strikes. No other change.
  • Spellstrike: Can only spellstrike with unarmed strikes and monk weapons.
  • Evasion: Replaces medium armor.
  • Improved Evasion: Replaces heavy armor.
  • Monk Training: Magus levels count as monk levels for feat requirements. Replaces fighter training.

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