Tf2 classes converted (need a bit of help)


Dark Archive

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I've got a skeleton idea of most of them, need help with Engi and Pyro, and I may end up homebrewing something for Medigun and Engi but I am trying to use canon.

Scout - mobile fighter
Force a Nature (Double barreled Shotgun - UC)
Cleaver (Wounding, returning Chakram - UE)
Stock bat (Light mace)

Soldier - Cavalier
Stock Rocket Launcher (?)
Buff Banner (Banner)
Equalizer (Heavy Pick)

Pyro - ?
Stock Flamethrower (Flamethrower from Rasputin must die)
Flare Gun (Flare gun - TG)
Fireaxe (Battleaxe)

Demoman - Barbarian
Grenade Launcher (Grenade Launcher - TG)
Chargin' Targe - (Buckler + Rhino hide armour - UE)
Eyelander (Greatsword)

Heavy - Trench fighter
Tomislav (Medium Machine Gun from Rasputin must die)
Sandvich (Potion(s) of Cure Serious Wounds)
Fists (Stonefist gloves - MA)

Engineer (Need help!) - Machinesmith (3pp)
Pompson 6000 (Laser Rifle - TA)
Wrench (Heavy mace)

Medic - Cleric
Crusader's crossbow (Spell storing Crossbow)
Medigun (Wand of Cure Critical Wounds and Stoneskin)
Vita Saw (Sickle)

Sniper - Slayer (Sniper)
The Classic (Railgun with Laser sight- TA)/ Huntsman (Longbow)
Darwin's Danger Shield (Toughness/ Belt of Con)
Stock Kukri (Scimatar)

Spy - Rogue (Knifemaster)
Stock Revolver (Revolver - UC)
Sapper (Wand of Dispel magic)
Stock Knife (Dagger)
Cloak and Dagger - Ring of Invisibility
Disguise kit - Hat of Disguise

Ideas for other items is welcome too! :)

Stock Bat...Chargin' Targe...Tomislav...Pompson 6000...The Classic...Darwin's Danger Shield ...Cloak and Dagger

Absolutely disgusting.

Despite your objectively horrible taste in unlocks, I'll help ya out.

Engineer: Steamwright from the Thunderscape Campaign Setting (3PP). It gets a Turret (Sentry Gun) as one of its possible Primary inventions, with the possibiity of a Dematerializer as a Teleporter analogue. Sadly, no Dispenser unless you cout the Patch Tool for metal only (lets you repair objects quickly).

Pyro works fine as a plain Fighter, especially with that set-up.

Also, I think you meant the Sandvich for Heavy, not Dalokohs Bar. The Dalokohs gives Temp HP.

Dark Archive

Rynjin wrote:
Stock Bat...Chargin' Targe...Tomislav...Pompson 6000...The Classic...Darwin's Danger Shield ...Cloak and Dagger

Absolutely disgusting.

Despite your objectively horrible taste in unlocks, I'll help ya out.

Engineer: Steamwright from the Thunderscape Campaign Setting (3PP). It gets a Turret (Sentry Gun) as one of its possible Primary inventions, with the possibiity of a Dematerializer as a Teleporter analogue. Sadly, no Dispenser unless you cout the Patch Tool for metal only (lets you repair objects quickly).

Pyro works fine as a plain Fighter, especially with that set-up.

Also, I think you meant the Sandvich for Heavy, not Dalokohs Bar. The Dalokohs gives Temp HP.

Bad unlocks I know, but they're easy conversions.

I haven't been able to find a legitimate Sandvich in my 350+ hours of playing,
So I don't know exactly what it does. But I'll trust you and edit.

Edit: OP edited and I'm going to try to defend my choices
Stock bat - no defense, I can think of a way to easily change it to the Atomizer by adding a Acrobatics bonus
Chargin' targe- Splendid Screen? Can't do tide turner because you can't turn with a charge in pathfinder, and there's no such thing as a sticky launcher as far as I've seen.
Tomislav MMG is silent, Tomislav is the only silent minigun
Pompson shouldn't need defending, your entire team will thank you if you stop a medi heavy pair from ubering.
Classic could be stock/ AWP with same stats, idk which fits best.
Darwin's danger shield ... I'm sorry
Cloak and dagger - Works best for ring.

Really? The Sandvich (along with Natasha and the KGB) is an Achievement unlock.

It fully restores your HP after eating. Used to have a nice function where right click would toss it on the ground and you could pick it up for a quick 150 HP, but it now only works on allies.

Dark Archive

Might've been a glitch then because I don't remember getting one.

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Maybe you accidentally turned it into Scrap?

Spell Storing can only be placed on melee weapons, so it won't work for the Crusader's Crossbow.

Sovereign Court

If you want to only use official classes...guess my opinion:

Engineer: Wizard 6/Technomancer 10
For field improvisation 1 hour of crafting is equal to 8 hours of crafting for machines/robots etc... It's pretty fast considering the restriction on crafting stuffs quickly in pathfinder.

Dark Archive

Eltacolibre wrote:

If you want to only use official classes...guess my opinion:

Engineer: Wizard 6/Technomancer 10
For field improvisation 1 hour of crafting is equal to 8 hours of crafting for machines/robots etc... It's pretty fast considering the restriction on crafting stuffs quickly in pathfinder.

If we go the wizard route, Fabricate + Craft (traps/mechanical) would probably work. D-Door/Teleport for Teleporters, Major creation for dispensers.

Sounds good actually.

Sovereign Court

Pretty much yup.

Dark Archive

I'm gonna work on homebrewing some better weapons to give some diversity, I'll do that when I get back from my vacation.

Dark Archive


Paladin won't make a half-bad Heavy. There's a Paladin archetype with a gun, too. Barbarian (Invulnerable Rager) has bigger HD and DR, if you want to simulate the being big and hard to kill.

Monk is probably the fastest and wouldn't make a bad Scout.

Dark Archive

Price 3000gp Aura: Moderate Abjuration CL 13th Weight 5lbs

This wooden shield like item is meant to be worn on the back. When worn this way the next time the wearer is struck by a critical hit or sneak attack the shield shatters and negates the critical or sneak attack.

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