How does one create JuJu Zombie minions?

Rules Questions

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

"A juju zombie is an animated corpse of a creature, created to serve as an undead minion, that retains the skills and abilities it possessed in life."

So, um, how do I go about creating one? I see no rules listed for making such minions even though that is clearly the intent.

I know the Juju oracle can create them, in fact they can create Juju Zombies that aren't evil, if they so chose.

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Juju oracle?

Rules for Juju are in the Serpent's Skull Adventure Path book City of Seven Spears (Pathfinder 39) starting on p.66. Among other things, it describes a new Juju mystery for oracles.

I suspect it's more of a ritual thing then say.... a create undead spell.

Herken Didwyk wrote:
Rules for Juju are in the Serpent's Skull Adventure Path book City of Seven Spears (Pathfinder 39) starting on p.66. Among other things, it describes a new Juju mystery for oracles.

I sincerely hope that the Juju mystery gets re-printed in Ultimate Magic!

It would be annoying and frustrating beyond description to have to buy a book just for one article to play/run a particular type of character. Background articles on races, cultures, geography, magic items, and specialised spells plus new monsters are alright to hide in PF APs, but not basic class options like a new mystery for Oracles. Those should also be available in "player-friendly" rulebooks such as Ultimate Magic and the like. It's already irritating that in-depth articles on religions are in the APs, but at least we have the Gods and Magic sourcebook to use instead.

Bellona wrote:
Herken Didwyk wrote:
Rules for Juju are in the Serpent's Skull Adventure Path book City of Seven Spears (Pathfinder 39) starting on p.66. Among other things, it describes a new Juju mystery for oracles.

I sincerely hope that the Juju mystery gets re-printed in Ultimate Magic!

It would be annoying and frustrating beyond description to have to buy a book just for one article to play/run a particular type of character. Background articles on races, cultures, geography, magic items, and specialised spells plus new monsters are alright to hide in PF APs, but not basic class options like a new mystery for Oracles. Those should also be available in "player-friendly" rulebooks such as Ultimate Magic and the like. It's already irritating that in-depth articles on religions are in the APs, but at least we have the Gods and Magic sourcebook to use instead.

Some of the monsters from the AP were re-printed in the Bestiary 2... So I Wouldn't be worried. Beides, Juju is too much of an interesting concept to be left alone.

Dark Archive

MinstrelintheGallery wrote:
I know the Juju oracle can create them, in fact they can create Juju Zombies that aren't evil, if they so chose.

Actually they can't create Juju Zombies that aren't evil. They can only create regular zombies that aren't evil Juju zombies are not mindless and therefore retain the evil alignment. The Spirit Vessels revelation specifies mindless undead.

Shadow Lodge

wills4223 wrote:
MinstrelintheGallery wrote:
I know the Juju oracle can create them, in fact they can create Juju Zombies that aren't evil, if they so chose.
Actually they can't create Juju Zombies that aren't evil. They can only create regular zombies that aren't evil Juju zombies are not mindless and therefore retain the evil alignment. The Spirit Vessels revelation specifies mindless undead.

It also says that any intelligent undead they create are the oracle's alignment, so whatever their alignment is, that's what the juju is too.

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