Magaav Assassin vs. Righteousness

Rules Questions and Gameplay Discussion

Alahazra has just played Righteousness:

deck 5 Righteousness spell wrote:
When you are dealt damage, recharge any cards you would discard.

Here comes the Magaav Assassin:

deck 6 Magaav Assassin henchman wrote:
When you are dealt damage and would discard cards, bury them instead.

The Golden Rule didn't help me (both cards are "other card types"). I ruled that I could apply the two powers in the order I wanted, so chose to do the spell first, recharged the cards I would have discarded for damage, and thus had nothing left to bury.

Is there another way to resolve the conflict?

Discard, recharge, bury… It reminds me of something! Could it be related?

Sovereign Court

Nope, not related to that other conversation, very different examples.

You played it correctly. Because neither card outranks the other in the hierarchy, you choose the order. You recharge, then there is nothing to bury. Or if you're particularly sick, bury and then have nothing to recharge!

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Maps, PF Special Edition, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

If you want to be super pedantic, you could say that the bury is a replacement effect (due to use of "instead") whereas the recharge is a redirection effect (so the cards are still considered discarded, but then recharged immediately thereafter). As such, the cards would be buried instead of discarded, so they can't be redirected from the discard pile to the bottom of your deck.

I don't think there is a need to be super pedantic here and think that the difference in wording is purely cosmetic, and that yours and Andrew's interpretation is correct (you choose the order and the one that comes second becomes impossible due to the cards no longer being there).

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