Polymorph into a were-creature

Pathfinder Society

Liberty's Edge 1/5 5/5

Question for PFS play.
Short of some weremolusk, the perks of these forms could be beneficial for a party. However...

Knowing that Lycanthropes are medium humanoids, does the shapechange hex (or any spell for that matter) allow one to change into a were-beast?

If so, can someone become infected with lycanthrope? Can they become an infector? Does the change (werebears excluded) lead to instant character retirement at the next full moon?

Grand Lodge 4/5

A polymorph effect can't cause the subject to assume the form of a creature with a template (CRB page 212).

Grand Lodge 5/5

Thank goodness...

Or hail Asmodeus...

You know whichever...

Grand Lodge 4/5

Had to dash out for Mad Max: Fury Road ..

And if you find one that can, check whether it gives you Change Shape or Curse of Lycanthropy from the chosen form. Polymorph spells in Pathfinder specify what abilities they grant.

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