Closing the Docks

Rules Questions and Gameplay Discussion

I'm usually pretty good in English (which is a foreign language for me), but I've always struggled with the any word.

The Docks location in Skull & Shackles has this When Permanently Closed section:

On closing, you may examine the top card of any location deck; if it is a boon, add it to your hand.

So here at the Docks, do I get to choose and examine 1 location deck (but then I'm under the impression the wording would be any 1 location deck), or can I examine all of them if I wish to?

My understanding of the English language makes me think it is the latter, but in the context of this game, it seems a lot more powerful than what we usually get when closing a location.

Adventure Card Game Designer

That's a reasonable question. The answer is "any 1 location deck."

Mike Selinker wrote:
That's a reasonable question. The answer is "any 1 location deck."

"Harbor" in fact does use this form (any 1 character may move to another location). Since the wording was different, my brain was trying to make them work differently.

Thank you for the answer!

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