Grandmaster Torch and Blakros Family Scenarios

Pathfinder Society

Grand Lodge

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I'm making a homebrew that's set in Absalom, and to form the skeleton of the campaign I'm using a lot of scenarios that are:

A) Set in Absalom
B) Involve Grandmaster Torch
C) Involve the Blakros Museum and the Blakros Family.

I'm good for the Absalom scenarios, but I need a wee bit o' help compiling a list of scenarios to buy on the other two.

Grandmaster Torch:
I need a list of scenarios that follow Torch getting into the good graces of the Pathfinders, and his eventual betrayal to acquire a list of Decemvirate Member names. I've got The Many Fortunes of Grandmaster Torch, The Mantis's Pray and Delirium's Tangle already.

I want any scenarios that involve dealing with the Blakros family, even tangentially. I've got Mists of Mwangi, Voice in the Void, Infernal Vault, Penumbral Records, and The Blakros Matrimony already.

Basically I have it planned so the homebrew changes are that Grandmaster Torch is being used by an extraplanar entity to try and acquire artifacts in the Blakros' holding, but Torch is making his own moves to try and get the upper hand on the extraplanar entity.

Shadow Lodge 4/5

A) Black Waters, Shadows Fall on Absalom, season two and three specials, Sewer Dragons of Absalom, Frozen Fingers of Midnight, The God's Market Gamble, etc

B) Silent Tide, Rivalry's End, Destiny of the Sands part 1&2(and part three very tangentially), also every Shadow Lodge scenario potentially, but at least Wrath of the Accursed deserves a mention for being tied to him.

C) Echoes of the Overwatched, The Silver Mount Collection and Hellknight's Feast.

4/5 5/55/55/55/5

c) Echoes of the Overwatched.

/Ninja'd by Muser

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