>>Drink Tea with *thegreenteagamer* Here!<< (You can ask questions if you want, too.)

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thegreenteagamer wrote:
randomwalker wrote:
thegreenteagamer wrote:

John -

Pan links great stuff, but I don't know if you'd wanna jump in feet first into loose leaf....
...bagged tea ...Yerba Mate ...black tea ...flavors ...bottled brands...green tea...red tea and african honeybush ...

Good summary that covers most bases. If I may, I'll add two items to the list:

-White tea (silver tips, Fujian white, etc). In my opinion a very 'pure' and gentle tea flavour, but requires high quality leaves since it is minimally processed. Also has lots of antioxidants.

-Smoked tea, ie Lapsang Souchong, is sufficiently different from other black teas that it deserves a separate category. Not for everyone! As mentioned already in this thread it "tastes like campfire", even with milk and sugar. Taste it once just for the experience. A good tea for outdoors.

I didn't recommend white tea because I found it's subtlety isn't usually appreciated by novices. Most tea newbies I know feel it is like a weak green.

I still need to try Lapsang.

On a side note, Lapsang, since it was first brought up by him, reminds me that I do believe this is the most interaction I think Rynjin and I have had without disagreeing! This is great, because I've always appreciated his articulate and straightforward arguments, even if I didn't agree with him, so it's good to actually agree on stuff.

Well I'll need to fix that somehow.

Uh, umm, green tea is a weak drink for pansies with no tastebuds.

So there. Nyuuuh.

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Monks suck. Not stat wise, just as a concept. Back at ya Rynjin. :-P

It's okay Cap. Feel free to derail on other stuff. Alcohol is just a touchy one for me. College socialization wasn't easy as a result (until I started my botany exploits, then damn did I make a lot of friend I never talked to later).

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Nicodemus, Neutral Ratfolk Oracle, Lore mystery, clouded vision curse

Yoda, Neutral Good Goblin Oracle, Ancestors mystery, haunted curse

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Random thought - If PbP weren't molasses slow to the point of ridiculous frustration to me, I'd totally want to run a game with most of you guys.

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Well if ever make your way north lemme know :-)

I lived in Florida briefly as a child (we moved there right before hurricane David (I believe, might be spotty, if it was early 80s, then that's the one, anyway I can never go back, there and Texas, true story, every time I've been to Texas I've almost died (almost got hit by truck when I was 3, stung by a Scorpion, some sort of Dengue fever.... all happened in Texas:-D

Also I can't do PbP, not my cup of tea:-D see what I did there!

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thegreenteagamer wrote:
Random thought - If PbP weren't molasses slow to the point of ridiculous frustration to me, I'd totally want to run a game with most of you guys.

PbPs can run at a really good clip as long as you make sure everyone posts AT MINIMUM once per day barring unusual circumstances, and encourage them to post more. The Age of Worms game I'm in is a good example. We average about a dozen posts per day, sometimes many more if everything comes together.

It's my preferred method of play (as you can tell by the fact that I'm playing in 8 and running 4 ATM). It's a lot easier to get in character and stay in character than in a live game, and most of the off-topic chatter can take place in the Discussion thread, and as an added bonus doesn't take up valuable play time.

Mind you the off-topic conversations are sometimes the most fun parts of a game in real-time, but the pace in PbPs games are potentially even faster.

I have been meaning to try cooking with tea as well (to get us back on tea type stuff). Found an amazing book with recipes for everything from bread, to meats, to desert, all using tea. Think I shall have to shell out the cash for that book. If I do, I shall share my findings as I make some of the stuff, cause tea, its not just for drinking anymore! (though it is still the only beverage that really quenches my thirst, cold iced tea with lemon is a heavenly thing, as long as it has no sugar!)

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the smoked teas combined into meat dishes sounded particularly awesome IMO.

One post a day isn't even close to ten percent of a real game's movement. One turn of combat a day? Bugger that!

thegreenteagamer wrote:
One post a day isn't even close to ten percent of a real game's movement. One turn of combat a day? Bugger that!

...Which is why it's a MINIMUM.

Try it some time. You'd be surprised how good it can be.

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Fievel, Chaotic Good Ratfolk Rogue

Tiger, Neutral Good big f&&!ing Catfolk Ranger

Fievel's sister, Chaotic Good Ratfolk Bard (street performer)

captain yesterday wrote:

Fievel, Chaotic Good Ratfolk Rogue

Tiger, Neutral Good colossal Catfolk polymorphed dragon Ranger

Tanya Fievel's sister, Chaotic Good Ratfolk Bard (street performer)

Fixed. :)

(Also, "Papa" is a bard, while "Mama" is a tough-as-nails barbarian.)

Rynjin wrote:
thegreenteagamer wrote:
One post a day isn't even close to ten percent of a real game's movement. One turn of combat a day? Bugger that!

...Which is why it's a MINIMUM.

Try it some time. You'd be surprised how good it can be.

I got quite a few posts into one, even made it to level two. Check my Argug alias. Just plain far beyond too slow.

thegreenteagamer wrote:
Rynjin wrote:
thegreenteagamer wrote:
One post a day isn't even close to ten percent of a real game's movement. One turn of combat a day? Bugger that!

...Which is why it's a MINIMUM.

Try it some time. You'd be surprised how good it can be.

I got quite a few posts into one, even made it to level two. Check my Argug alias. Just plain far beyond too slow.

If you say so. You don't look to have gotten very far in and the first few levels are always the most boring anyway.

You're also overlooking that a fast game really isn't much slower when you take into account that you're playing 7 days a week rather than once a week/2 weeks/a month for a few hours.

For example the Age of Worms game I'm in had gone through 4 books, 8 levels, and 11, 612 posts in the last year. Whenever combat comes up (unless it's a particularly complex one like we're currently in that involves 6 "team" of about 5 people each in a free-for-all), we usually get through all the rounds in a day, and have a lot of time to RP among ourselves as well.

Sovereign Court

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Ive never wanted to PbP until now and only with this lot!

Ive decided it was terribly rude of me to plug Teasource and not mention any of the teas they offer.

For a good cassic black cup of tea you cant do much better than Earl Grey. Teasource has quite a few choices for grey. Of the dozen or so varieties my favorite is the Earl Grey "White Tip". Often Earl Greys tend to either drift too far into the aromatic or flavor points. I found that the White Tip is the perfect balance between the two.

Another classic black are the breakfast blends. English breakfast is very popular no thrills cup of tea. I like my morning cup to be a bit on the stronger side which is how I found the Scottish Breakfast blend. This bad boy is bold and helps you get ready to go at the crack of dawn. (which is often close to noon for myself on weekends)

If you want something in what I would consider the medium category you might want to try a Darjeeling. I prefer the Longview 2nd flush myself. You will get a more robust cup than white or green will provide, but it will taper off unlike black. This one is also very affordable.

Some folks have mentioned not wanting to add sweeteners or to step off using them. I find blends to be the friendliest teas when it comes to avoiding the need for sweeteners natural or artificial. Here are some suggestions;

Sticking with the classic theme the first up is the Georgia Sunshine This bold black has all the classic feel of a breakfast tea, but adds a wonderful kick of flavor with Peach and Ginger. In heavy doses the ginger really spices the tea up without making it too aromatic. A favorite of mine.

If black tends to be a little on the strong side you may want to try a white tea. Sticking with the peach theme I recommend Machu Peach-U This is a delightfully sweet tea giving it good flavor without the robust bitterness of traditional black tea. Also, the lack of ginger removes some of the spiciness. This is a wonderful place to start for folks new to tea and whites alike.

Lets go a little further out on a limb and try an Oolong blend. Teasources Rhunbarb Oolong is one of my favorite blends. The rhubarb might have you thinking too tart and you would be wrong. The Rhubarb adds a great pinch of sweetness making this a delightful cup straight up. Also, the Rhubarb kicks up the robustness of the Oolong making it a great stepping stone into darker teas.

Sorry greenteagamer I didnt review any green because they tend to be too light and earthy for my taste. Though I would be more than willing to listen to any recommendations you and the good folks on the paizo boards have to offer.


My brother drinks Earl Grey by the bucket loads. He can't get enough of the stuff.

Tried a "Mixed Berry" tea from Twinings the other day. First flavor I have not been a big fan of. Tastes like liquid berry flavored cough drops. Waaaaay too much flavoring.

Also picked up one from Bigelow. Their signature blend or whatever with orange and spices or some such, but I haven't had a cup yet. Smells like that bar of "Maya Gold" chocolate I have.

Sovereign Court

I find that the store brands like Twinings and Bigelow do right when you stick to straight up classics. Though as soon as they start to experiment with blends everything goes into the rubbish bin.

Green tea mochi....delicious. Also I have tried a green tea smoked steak...also delicious.

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Yeah, green tea frozen yogurt is pretty frickin' amazing.

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Oh heck yeah, also green tea cheese cake...the only type of cake that I will eat, and with good reason.

Rynjin wrote:

My brother drinks Earl Grey by the bucket loads. He can't get enough of the stuff.

Tried a "Mixed Berry" tea from Twinings the other day. First flavor I have not been a big fan of. Tastes like liquid berry flavored cough drops. Waaaaay too much flavoring.

Also picked up one from Bigelow. Their signature blend or whatever with orange and spices or some such, but I haven't had a cup yet. Smells like that bar of "Maya Gold" chocolate I have.

Probably Constant Comment. Probably my favorite bagged tea.

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thegreenteagamer wrote:
Yeah, green tea frozen yogurt is pretty frickin' amazing.

There is a Japanese restaurant near me that deep fries green tea ice cream. So delicious.


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I drank some soda today. I don't know why I did it. Ever since I started eating healthy and lost a good chunk of weight about five years ago, every time I have more than a can of soda I feel lethargic and cruddy afterwards, especially with diet soda. Yet somehow, like an Alzheimer's patient, the memory disappears and I look at a cheap bottle of stuff, and go, "Hey, why not?" Ugh. My stomach currently hates me.

I have an emergency bag of green tea that's been sitting in my minis box I'm gonna have to break out.

Sovereign Court

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I hear ya tGt. I used to drink a lot of soda and then decided to cut it out. At this point, I occasionally have a can and its about all I can take. After about 12oz it starts to feel like drinking pancake syrup. Though occasionally I gotta have a little especially with a slice of pizza or a plate of Chinese food.

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I drink a Root Beer (have I mentioned I like root beer) with a top notch burger and fries (only homemade, by my wife, who is awesome with handling meat) otherwise never drink Soda, water, milk, coffee. That's the extent of my beverage choices :-)

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I usually have milk (or tea!) as my meal beverage of choice - the only thing I can think of it doesn't go with is pizza which requires either soda or cider.

Soda, for me, is mostly a "I need something cold that tastes more than water" drink to be had at the height of summer, where I'm partial to a passion-fruit flavoured one they have here.

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Usually I only have soda with pizza or other junk food, and usually only a can or so. Chinese, as mentioned, is also a good mix, but tea works with that, where it doesn't mix well with pizza.

I too am a fan of root beer. Birch beer is awesome, too. Ginger ale is my favorite, though, and ginger beer, especially Jamaican style or the really potent burn your throat stuff with a metric ton of ginger.

My data reset finally, so I watched the first episode of Quick Draw today, as you recommended, Cap. Not bad. Nothing outrageous, but it was entertaining. Not really anything I'm keen to follow so far.

After the first episode they cut down the CSI humor down, tho the part where they use crime scene photography is gross

Nicodemus and Wedding Bells are two of the best episodes :-)

"New travelers rule, the next time you're traveling with someone and you have Dynamite, you tell the person! - Sheriff Hoyle, to a deputized Vernon Shank

Edit: and thanks for giving it a try, that's all I wanted :-)

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In consideration, I would give PbP another shot if I had this crew right here. Unfortunately, that includes the captain. I need someone to bounce rampant silliness off of to avoid being the only goofball.

Honestly, I don't know how any plot would be accomplished.

But who would dare GM for the likes of us? And how could it be arranged? And how much does this prove exactly how bored I've been lately?

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Caineach wrote:
thegreenteagamer wrote:
Yeah, green tea frozen yogurt is pretty frickin' amazing.
There is a Japanese restaurant near me that deep fries green tea ice cream. So delicious.

I keep hearing about fried iced cream. How is this a thing? Physics/chemistry-wise, I mean...How do you not have liquid goop before there's any actual frying occurred?

Also, holy crap, how fat do you have to be where iced cream isn't enough, you need to fry that?! Apparently me I am, because I want it!

Actually, that's a common misconception.

You can fry very cold things quite effectively - similarly, you can microwave ice and you'll either get exploded ice chunks or only a slightly steamy microwave with a little condensation.

Effectively, you freeze it enough so that it just doesn't melt, even when you fry stuff.

A demonstration of the ice cream, ice in a microwave.

(It's also really great.)

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thegreenteagamer wrote:

In consideration, I would give PbP another shot if I had this crew right here. Unfortunately, that includes the captain. I need someone to bounce rampant silliness off of to avoid being the only goofball.

Honestly, I don't know how any plot would be accomplished.

But who would dare GM for the likes of us? And how could it be arranged? And how much does this prove exactly how bored I've been lately?

You DID say you'd be willing to run it...

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I wonder if we'd all be forced to have tea-themed characters... >.>

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SweetTeaGamer wrote:
I wonder if we'd all be forced to have tea-themed characters... >.>

Everyone is a geisha bard. Tea ceremonies are obligatory.


... not that he's bitter. >.>

Actually, for very specific campaigns, I could see it. But there's have to be a couple different kinds of bard, to let their Tea Ceremonies stack, or just ignore the "no stack" clause...

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You can fix the geisha bard by letting the ceremony last 10mins/level instead of 10mins, IMO. A suggestion that came up in a thread where I complained about how much geishas suck (pun not intended, but embraced nonetheless) that geisha stacks with archaeologist, so you can make the perfect British explorer settling down for a nice cuppa before battle.

Rynjin, I didn't say that...
*scrolls up*...Dangit, I didn't mean that. I meant be in one. Always paying actual attention to what people say, rassin frassin....

And really, if we're all tea themed, I have dibs on the treesinger with an ambulatory Camellia Sinensis plant as my companion.

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When or if I get to make a character for Carrion Crown

Ichabod Crane (N Human Bard (Archivist) will start with ranks in profession (teacher) or whatever

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thegreenteagamer wrote:
Caineach wrote:
thegreenteagamer wrote:
Yeah, green tea frozen yogurt is pretty frickin' amazing.
There is a Japanese restaurant near me that deep fries green tea ice cream. So delicious.

I keep hearing about fried iced cream. How is this a thing? Physics/chemistry-wise, I mean...How do you not have liquid goop before there's any actual frying occurred?

Also, holy crap, how fat do you have to be where iced cream isn't enough, you need to fry that?! Apparently me I am, because I want it!

Physics is your friend. There is a rate that heat will transfer across and through something. Just like how you can burn a rare steak. In that time, you can fully fry the batter you use to make an outer shell of ice cream, while the ice cream is mostly unaffected. That shell becomes an insulating barrier for the rest of the ice cream. When you break into it, there is a layer that is molten goop and delicious, and you have a really interesting temperature gradient throughout. You should also do it with very cold ice cream.

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@ TGT, I would pay to see a treesinger played that way, you said it, now I want to see the build, "high tea druid." ;)

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GM_Beernorg wrote:
@ TGT, I would pay to see a treesinger played that way, you said it, now I want to see the build, "high tea druid." ;)

I might build that for kicks. What level would you say? He'd have to bhe good friends with the geisha of course, that way he's the supplier and the geisha knows "how to make a proper cup" of it.

...dang it now I kinda want to make this happen.

Captain Yesterday could be an alchemist who has all sorts of drinks anybody else will get sick if we drink, since he doesn't like tea.

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5th is always a fun place to start. And thus the tea based adventuring company was born :).

Alas I don't PbP, just face to face play :-)

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GM_Beernorg wrote:
5th is always a fun place to start. And thus the tea based adventuring company was born :).

I'm assuming two traits, what, 15 or 20-pt buy?

I think you just volunteered to set this thing up, man. It doesn't help your name is "GM_Beernorg".

I always felt half elf made a better treesinger than pure elf, not just because of mechanical reasons, but the societal alienation would bring one to grow closer to nature, and let them develop an even stronger connection.

(But mostly for mechanical reasons, because half elves count as elves due restricted stuff, and have a better stat spread for a caster druid. I am shameless.)

captain yesterday wrote:
Alas I don't PbP, just face to face play :-)

I don't either, really. (I'm using your definite refusal as an excuse. It's why I keep referencing you. Shhhhhh, don't tell anyone else.)

For real, it just doesn't satisfy the urge for me...And then the slow factor. Ugh the slowness.

But I do love building characters, so I might actually stat up that treesinger for funs.

I have thought about PFS tho, if only to drive people crazy with nerd rage at my entirely legal pop culture golarionized characters :-)

Simon "F%&+ing" Belmont, Chaotic Neutral Human Inquisitor (Vampire Hunter) of Calistria

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Morgan Freeman, NG evangelist cleric of himself with max mythic divine source and max ranks in perform oratory

captain yesterday wrote:
I have thought about PFS tho, if only to drive people crazy with nerd rage at my entirely legal pop culture golarionized characters :-)

I have shared my opinion of PFS before.

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