NPC Codex Pawn Box

Customer Service

I received the NPC CODEX BOX from today, and almost everything was well done as always, but one of the sheets was printed with diferents artwork in each of its sides. the current issue are for pawns 47 to 79 and the large horse pawn n°337 and in the other side it has the pawns reversed from 83 to 101 included the serpent large n°340 pawn.

What can I do?

Paizo Employee Customer Service Representative

Hi there Juda,

I saw that you had also emailed about this, so I've responded there. Since we'll need your shipping address to send replacements, please reply to the email and I will go ahead and get replacements set up that way.

If there are any further questions or concerns that you may have in the meantime, please don't hesitate to ask.


thank you. I noticed your mail before this post. How do I delete this thread?

Paizo Employee Customer Service Representative

There's no need to delete it, it'll just move down the queue as we get new posts. :)

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