Purchasing equipment during a scenario...

Pathfinder Society

Dark Archive 1/5

I believe I am correct that normally if the PC's are given an opportunity to purchase equipment during a scenario it gets listed on their tracking sheet (or chronicle sheet) and the gold is expended as normal... correct?

Now what if the PC's use gold given to them by an NPC or found during an encounter. The example I will use for this is Before the Dawn Part 1, the PC's are given gold to purchase supplies and told that if they have to expend their own money that the Pathfinder Society will do what they can to compensate them for the expense. So what if the PC's take the remainder of that money and buy potions which they later use during the scenario. Are they considered "free potions" for that scenario only or are they marked down as purchased on the tracking sheet as normal?

Sczarni 5/5 5/55/5 ***

Just for that scenario.

Likewise you can't sell the gear you loot during a scenario for extra profit.


Page 14 tells you how much the PC's may earn for extra gold...it's the same as any other money earned though it's a purchase on an ITS and the gold spent/earned is notated on the chronicle.

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