Modifiers to Perception Houserule

Homebrew and House Rules

These are parts of my ongoing Pathfinder/3.5 Overhaul project, a part I wished to share with the forums for feedback.

Perception Now:
The existing modifiers to Perception either cease being relevant after a specific point, or ignore other aspects of synergy within the rules. As per RAW, one cannot see a dragon flying hundreds of feet above them, nor technically can they see the moon or stars.
One can argue RAI, and the inability to stealth while without cover, but the perception rules leave something to be desired.

Distance modifiers to DC and Item/Barrier modifiers to DC are our interests.

Distance increases to DC are divided by height from the ground and/or width from the nearest surface, whichever is higher.
A flying creature are doubly easy to see. It still requires cover or concealment (or a Hide in Plain Sight check) to hide.
The DC to see a normal man in 100 ft. is 10 (counting said man as a 'visible creature via RAW', but divide it by 6 makes a DC of 1.
A 6’ man can be described with a DC of 1 if 60 ft. away, or with a DC of 10 if 600 ft. away, or DC 12 if the man was 5’ tall. The DC would be 5 if he were flying.

For the purposes of interacting with size categories, follow the general rule below. Exceptions exist—and can be described for quick evaluation. A creature lying prone is considered two effective size categories smaller than it normally is to calculate height/length average, or takes their width to be their new height; whichever is higher.

In the case above, if the man drops prone, and declares he is width is 2’ (1.5 normally, increasing due to armor). His bonus to Stealth to be seen would be a base of 5 instead of 1 (when he is standing). Rolling a stealth check would add this bonus to his check, becoming 1d20 + Stealth + 5, although the man still needs cover.

Size Height/length*
Fine____________ - 6”
Diminutive_______6” – 1’
Tiny____________1’ – 2’
Small___________2’ – 4’
Medium_________4’ – 8’
Large___________8’ – 16’
Huge___________16’ – 32’
Colossal_________32’ – 64’

Add hardness of the material to the listening DC to hear/1 ft. of thickness.

Group Movement
When calculating group movement, count the center of the group as the area emitting the sound of talking, and pass a line from the center to the listener. If there is an open path around the barrier, take 2 points off the DC.

1: Divide total distance penalty to Perception by width or height.
2: A creature flying takes double penalties.
3: A creature that is prone counts width instead of height.
4: Add hardness to hear through doors/walls/Wall of Force, etc.
5: Count sound as emitting from center of group.

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