S&S Deck 4 Card Missing - Please Advise

Pathfinder Adventure Card Game General Discussion

Our group is just cracked open The Island of Empty Eyes this Saturday morning, and are very excited to have at it. Only, we are most certainly missing the card for scenario 2: The Ruins of Sumitha. We've been quite thorough in double and triple checking everything.

Unfortunately, several members of our group travel a long distance to participate in these sessions, and this is the first time that we did not have the opportunity to pre-examine the deck before game day. Is it possible that someone from Paizo--or perhaps just a kind fan--promptly provide us with a front and back pic of the card, or perhaps just the stats? We are anxious to make good use of our play date today, for they are dreadfully infrequent.

Thank you kindly.

-Desperate on Saturday

I will have my cards in about an hour. I will send you a private message with the info if no one else has responded by then.

I tried taking photos, but my camera's not cooperating.

The Ruins Of Sumitha
Villain: Ishtoreth
Henchmen: Shaija, Cyclops Oracle, Cyclops Savages

During This Scenario: When you defeat a bane with the Giant trait, examine the location deck. Then shuffle it.

Reward: Loot: Immortal Dreamstone, Vailea

Players Location
1 Ghol-Gan Ruins
1 Hall of Champions
1 Ruined Amphitheater
2 Wishing Well
3 Tower
4 Teleportation Chamber
5 Great Stone Bridge
6 Dinosaur Corral

Your ship is anchored at the Ghol-Gan Ruins.

My own comments: Vic ruled on this forum that you have to decide whether to attempt to close the location, and attempt the close, before you apply the During This Scenario power after defeating a Giant henchmen.
And notes for the Teleporation Chamber: its At This Location power triggers on the start of the turn for a player at the location, and its When Closing power works as follows: if you draw a boon, the locaction closes automatically; if you draw a bane, you must succeed at its checks to defeat in order to close the location. You shuffle the drawn card back into its location; you do not actually encounter it.

Mr. Moon269,

We've never corresponded, you and I, but I've read enough of these boards to know it'd be you, mate. My buddy who's monitoring the board just gave me a heads up that someone responded with an offer to help us in this time of darkness. He read your message aloud, then I asked him if the poster's name was Hawkmoon-something. ...And so it was.

Paizo, and us players-in-the trenches alike, are indebted to all of your help around here, I think. We eagerly await your message.

Thanks a bunch, man. Allow me to extend big thank yous to the makers of the game too--from a large group who loves the game.

Hey, very much appreciated, that. We'd love an image, but with the stats at least we're not dead in the water. Thanks for your thoughts and the Vic comments as well.

We're lucky to catch nice folks like you guys on a Saturday.

Well, as you can see, it isn't just me. The whole PACG Community is great, as elcoderdude demonstrates.

By the way, you seem to have private messages turned off on your Paizo account, so I can't send you a private message.

After you are sure you didn't just misplace it, be sure to either exchange your deck 4 back at the store you got it from (they can send it back to Paizo for an exchange or credit) or contact Paizo customer service to get see about getting your card replaced.

Good luck on your adventure today!

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