Early Enrollment: Settlement Aragon

Pathfinder Online

Goblin Squad Member

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Timing is everything, and unfortunately WoT beginning the same day our settlement leader began his move to a new home, really put a damper in our settlement progress.

The good new is that the Goodfellow will be back online tomorrow and we will be able to get our companies attached to the settlement.

UnNamed Company
Allegiant Gemstone Company
Chaos Unleashed
Lone Wolf Brigade

All of your applications to join settlement will be approved by tomorrow.

In other good news, our recruitment efforts since the start of EE have been going well.

Goblin Squad Member

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Aragonian Council (management co.)
UnNamed Company
Allegiant Gemstone Company
Chaos Unleashed
Lone Wolf Brigade

Have all been attached to Aragon as companies. Now we will see if the pledging of towers works??

Goblin Squad Member

It appears the pledging of towers is working, which means we can train your second tier skills for Rogue, Fighter, Skirmisher, Dreadnaught and various gathering, refining and crafting skills.

All are welcome to visit, we do not PK in our own town or in our nearby market town of Marchmont.

Our brethren in Freevale can provide Cleric / Wizard training and a slightly different variety of support services.

Become citizens as individuals or join as companies. Aragon is open to trade, mercenaries, bandits and adventurers.

Aragon is a member of the Nation of Kathalphas; the Northern Coalition; the War of Towers Alpha 6 Nob Aggression Pact; and various pledges for Positive Game Play.

Goblin Squad Member

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Heh, the Nob Aggression Pact is an interesting spin...it's good to hear your leadership MIA/tower issues have been resolved.

I've not made it up to the northeastern section of the map in my travels somehow, but will have to swing by there on my next walk-about. Keeper's Pass certainly welcomes any trade opportunities from Aragon and the Nation of Kathalphas.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Heh, the Nob Aggression Pact is an interesting spin...it's good to hear your leadership MIA/tower issues have been resolved.

I won't tolerate any aggression against nobs.

Goblin Squad Member

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Indeed. Their life is already so harsh, I don't understand how anyone could desire to do them harm. Now nobgoblins, those are a different matter entirely! Always scobbing things, the little buggers...

Goblin Squad Member

Yes we are always looking for people who will not be aggressive towards our nobs.

It is especially rewarding to loot Goblin Balls from Nob Goblins, they come with 3 days of extra play, I'm told.

Goblin Squad Member

Great, now I have the visual of scobbing nob goblin balls. Not pretty. Not pretty at all.

Goblin Squad Member

KotC - Erian El'ranelen wrote:
Great, now I have the visual of scobbing nob goblin balls. Not pretty. Not pretty at all.

Jewelry Crafters with skill level 5+ can craft them into necklaces, earrings and hood ornaments.

Goblin Squad Member

And so we know the basis for trade in Aragon. Now I just need to find the right buyer's market for such...rarefied goods.

Well, I've killed almost 8,000 goblins so far, so there is plenty of raw materials to craft with. Running out of room where I've been stashing the corpses.

Goblin Squad Member

In the upcoming EE2 patch, there is the possibility that Marchmont, and the rest of the NPC settlement, will be removed. I'm told they are no longer on the test server.

In the event that this takes place, Aragon is extending the invitation to those that wish to remain in the area, to join Aragon as citizens.

Aragon has companies that will match up with any play style. If we don't have your specific play style, you can bring it with you.

No Griefing, Hacking or Blatant Use of Exploits are our only prohibitions.

Goblin Squad Member

Marchmont is on the test server.

Goblin Squad Member

Nihimon wrote:
Marchmont is on the test server.

As I said, I was told they were not. However, the offer still stands. In the event that NPC settlements are removed, Aragon's doors are open for those seeking to continue to live in this same area.

The NPC settlements are not being removed, per Ryan Dancey.

Goblin Squad Member

Any company that is sponsored by the settlement of Aragon is instructed not to take ANY ALPHA 6 Towers, anywhere on the map.

There are additional limitations to tower capture:

Towers held by any member of the Northern Coalition settlements of: Freevale, Callambea, Golgotha, Auroral, and Kruze Bernstein are also off limits.

All other towers, accept for the alpha six towers of active settlements, are capture at will.

If there is an alpha six towers that is "unclaimed" it is assumed that that settlement is inactive. However, if a company of the settlement emerges to recapture the tower, do not contest it.

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