Adventure 4 set up

Pathfinder Adventure Card Society

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I was looking over the OP Guide and it states that after adventure 3 we remove all cards with the Basic and Elite traits with adventure deck numbers at least two or lower than the adventure you just added. So does this mean we would remove cards with keywords basic and elite from adventure deck 1 as well as B, C, and P with the basic and elite trait?

4/5 ****

Check out the revised text in the Season of the Shackles Adventure Path Rules

Rules wrote:
After you finish Treacherous Waters, at the beginning of each new adventure, when you add a new Adventure Deck to your game box, remove all cards with the Basic or Elite trait that have adventure deck numbers at least 3 less than the adventure deck you just added. (Treat the set indicators B, C, and P as 0.) Do not remove Blessings of the Gods.

So remove all basic/elite from B,C,P,1.

Thanks for the clarification! :)

Dark Archive 4/5 ***** Venture-Agent, Indiana—Bloomington

As was just stated to me, there are some items that are B, C, or P items that don't possess either the Basic or Elite traits. Do those items stay?

Grand Lodge 5/5 *

Yep! You only remove cards with the Basic and Elite traits.

Silver Crusade 3/5

Just because I keep thinking I've seen the answer somewhere and I'm at work at the moment, I do have a question about this. Does Blessing of the Gods stay in the blessing deck even though it's a basic card?


I wonder why this is a question. Any blessing in the game which is not in a character deck can show up in the blessings deck. Regarding whether you remove Blessings of the Gods, see Pirate Rob's post above.

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