[Gamer Ingenuity] Complete Character Folio

Product Discussion

Our Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Compatible Complete Character Folio is 12 carefully-organized pages to cover your character in-depth and in detail in a folio with 2 pockets for maps, watch lists, or anything else you need. There's space for everything we could think of, including the new Hero Points covered in the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Advanced Players Guide.

Things we cover include all the basics - Abilities, Saves, Defenses, Attacks - plus a full page for Skills, character background, Feats, Traits and other abilities, possessions, some really neat Spellcasting pages, and mini-sheets for followers, familiars, etc...

The final page is an Advancement Sheet, for you to keep track of what your character gets as you level up, and plan for future levels.

But you'll have to see it for yourself! We expect to send it to the printers shortly.

The Complete Character Folio is intended to be a printed product. We have no plans to offer it in electronic form, as there are already great products available filling that need.

Look for it in stores where Pathfinder the Roleplaying Game is sold sometime in September.

Gamer Ingenuity

Pathfinder and associated marks and logos are trademarks of Paizo Publishing, LLC, and are used under license.Learn more about the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game at http://paizo.com/pathfinderRPG

Our PFRPG-compatible Complete Character Folio is back from the printers and shipping to distribution and to Paizo this week!

You can order it from Paizo here

or look for it at your FLGS in the next week or two.

Thanks very much!

Gamer Ingenuity

Gamer Ingenuity wrote:

Our Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Compatible Complete Character Folio is 12 carefully-organized pages to cover your character in-depth and in detail in a folio with 2 pockets for maps, watch lists, or anything else you need. There's space for everything we could think of, including the new Hero Points covered in the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Advanced Players Guide.

Things we cover include all the basics - Abilities, Saves, Defenses, Attacks - plus a full page for Skills, character background, Feats, Traits and other abilities, possessions, some really neat Spellcasting pages, and mini-sheets for followers, familiars, etc...

The final page is an Advancement Sheet, for you to keep track of what your character gets as you level up, and plan for future levels.

But you'll have to see it for yourself! We expect to send it to the printers shortly.

The Complete Character Folio is intended to be a printed product. We have no plans to offer it in electronic form, as there are already great products available filling that need.

Look for it in stores where Pathfinder the Roleplaying Game is sold sometime in September.

Gamer Ingenuity

Pathfinder and associated marks and logos are trademarks of Paizo Publishing, LLC, and are used under license.Learn more about the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game at http://paizo.com/pathfinderRPG

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