Help me with 2 (max 3) longsword attacks

Pathfinder Online

Grand Lodge Goblin Squad Member

I assume alpha won't last much longer. Thod has been using his trusting greatsword up to now - but fighting had been secondary. I spend more time learning resources inside out.

So here is the situation:

Dwarven Banded Steel +1 and Unbreakable 6 - so he is covered in this respect.

Greatsword - various varieties up to +3 but max. trained up to skill 2 on attacks.

Dwarven Steel Longsword (tier 2) multiple available. Also all prerequisites to learn attacks to fourth level.

I have 9886 XP to spend as I write this. Whirlwind is on level 3 - so either 4502 to get this to next level or use 7104 for another attack. 2400 for each additional day - but not many more to come.

So if I only have time left for one or two attacks - what would you suggest? Whirlwind comes with 2600 spend already as I wanted to check out that I hadn't missed any prerequisites.

I tend to start softening enemies using the longbow and then switch when they come to close melee.

This raises an interesting quesyion - does the longsword act as tier 1 ot tier 2 depending on the attack that is being used?

Goblin Squad Member

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If you want to play with conditional effects then Thousand Cuts plays off distress and False Edge and Understrike can cause distress. False Edge can't be interrupted but the damage is very low. Whirlwind is your best choice for PvE.

The longsword acts as Tier 2 if you have proficiency 2 trained but you won't see any added base damage unless the attack is rank 4.

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Basically, from your attack roll standpoint, right now, all of your longsword attacks will be at the middle of 3d200 (Tier 2 attack rolls, mean and median of 100).

Base Damage will either be 45 if your attack rank is less than 4 or 65 if your attack rank is 4.

Go ahead and train up Whirlwhind. Like you said, there is not a lot of time left and you will at least get to take that attack for a spin at T2 when the exp expenditure really doesn't matter.

If you don't think you will have enough EXP to get 2 more attacks:
If you are fighting baddies that tend to interrupt your attacks, I would go for Iron Gate Ward next. Its a melee attack that is not interruptible. Otherwise, I would train up Slash and enjoy the damage.

If you think you will have enough EXP to get 2 more attacks to level 4:
False Edge (uninteruptable) or Understrike (damage), then Thousand Cuts.

Grand Lodge Goblin Squad Member

Thanks - I will go Flase Edge and Whirlwind. I will come back here if I can afford more attacks. Right now I should have one up to 4 immididately and the other will be up tomorrow.

Goblin Squad Member

If you need a third one, I found the chargy one (lunge?) worked well to get into combat before whirlwinding.

Goblin Squad Member

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I personally haven't cared too much for false edge: yes, it is uninterrupteable, but the distressed is only 25% chance and the damage is terrible. Iron Gate Ward is much better and provides some defensive buffs. I get my Distressed from under strike, which is much better damage per stamina and Distressed is 50%.

Just my 2 copper ;)

Edit: for those interested, my longsword loadout is Slash, Understrike, Iron Gate Ward, Thousand Cuts, Whirlwind, and Lunge.

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