The monsters have won

Pathfinder Online

Grand Lodge Goblin Squad Member

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Theodum barricaded himself inside the Emerald Lodge.

The countryside had been overrun by monsters. Towards the west the cultist of moloch with their hell hounds had established a hold. Their headquarter was just outside the Emerald Spire.

And to the South there was the goblin clan of the bonedancers. Their evil necromancers recuited piles of bones of former adventurers - and there seemed to have been many before Pharasma allowed them to come back.

Further away there where even more monsters. Up in the mountains close to Golgotha was another goblin clan - the Ripping Chain clan. And in the South close to Hammerfall a druid rebelled against the incursion of settlers and had summoned wolfs to his help.

How did all of this happen. How could the monsters have won?

If there only was a chance to start again. Theodum would know that a second time he would use the resources of the Pathfinder Society and the Emerald Lodge to hunt down mosters early.

Goblins multiplied - so you had to stop them early. Not that is was ever possible to eradicate them completely - but you could and should keep them in check.

And in regard to cultist - you had to counter their draw early - find holes in the message they spread and silence the zealots early.

But it was too late - they had lost the war against the monsters. Utterly lost.

If there only would be a second chance. But in real life there never was a second chance.

The Exchange Goblin Squad Member

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yes, it's the same situation in RiverBank.

I have sent my granddaughter Eldessa to keep an eye on the sacred vaults. On her way from Thornkeep to RiverBank, she was ambushed by a group of goblin shamans, and she was cursed to respawn just near another group of goblins. She died once, twice .. ten times until she successfully managed to run away alive. Alas her equipment was ruined, armor, wand and staff destroyed. She had a spare wand and a spare armor, but no staff.

Now she is also barricaded in RiverBank, surrounded by ogres, bandits and wolves with an incomplete equipement.

Goblin Squad Member

I've been moving Settlement to Settlement, looking for recipes, and materials.

It's hard to go straight to another settlement, and gather along the way.
And the roads are guarded at points.

Goblin Squad Member

Monster are everywhere. if i was not immortal, i wouldn't be there to tell you.

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