The Merry Riot Inn:
One of Dundraville's largest buildings, the Merry Riot Inn is a welcoming sight to tired travelers. The inn is owned by several prominent townsfolk including brewer Berk, and Kerwin Krell the outfitter. The inn boasts a massive common room with full food services, and eight guest chambers. A trio of attractive sisters, Darly, Dayla, and Dayl usually act as serving maids. However, the latter has been kidnapped by the ogre, leaving the remaining sisters quite distraught.
Kerwin's Outfitters:
Kerwin Krell maintains the busy outfitting and supply shop. His shop stocks most adventuring gear you would need, but he has a tenancy to overprice things. He does maintain a small supply of weapons and armor as well.
Berkclay Bros. Brewing:
Two halfling brothers own and operate this local brewery. Clay is the master brewer, but he never had the funds to start his own business. Berk had the funds, though it's rumored he acquired them illicitly in a distant city. With that money, they settled in Dundraville a few years back, and provided the capital to start the brewery. In addition to common ale, they also brew a dark stout, pale ale, and micro brews of odd flavored ale, such as pumpkin ale. A popular local brew is fire ale, brewed with spicy hot peppers and guaranteed to cause heartburn, even in dwarves!
The Druid's Circle:
Just west of town, located on a small rise near a stand of woods, are seven massive stone monoliths arranged in a druid's circle. The stone circle is centuries old, but is still tended by an order of druids that monitors the region. Once every few months, a low-ranking druid travels to the circle to tend the vegetation, harvest wild mistletoe, and perform a few blessings. It just so happens that there is currently a druid at the circle. A female half-elf named Sheryn-ella. She has spent the past few days and nights pruning vegetation and collecting mistletoe during the full moon.
Tarik's Hut:
Outside of town and to the south is an old hut located on the western bank of the river. The hut belongs to an old one-armed hermit named Tarik. He is a grouchy retired adventurer who has seen some sixty winters. Years ago he lost his right arm when he foolishly confronted the ogre, shortly after it settled the nearby cave. Although a single club swipe destroyed his arm, Tarik managed to wound the giant enough to send it retreating to it's lair. Not wishing to tangle with feisty humans, the ogre hatched its scheme of monthly tribute in exchange for not attacking. Meanwhile, Tarik amputated his own arm, and bound his wounds. He settled down to become a woodsman, fisherman, and woodcarver.
Wizard's Tower:
Located at the northeast of town is a single stone tower, with four levels. A wizard named Nerenthos lives in this tower with his apprentice. The wizard is away traveling, and the tower is locked, so even his apprentice can't get inside.