Dave Riley |
We've run through all of S&S twice now and, while waiting for the next one, I'm wondering if anyone has thought about sorting through the class decks to create a homebrew box? I was thinking of trying it out with Rise of the Runelords scenarios and banes and seeing how it goes. I figure there's probably enough cards to make an AP out of each, maybe supplementing with RoRL base cards as needed.
I'm not sure how the basic power levels feel across different adventure deck numbers in different class decks, but I haven't really scrutinized the class deck cards to get a feel for how many of what types would feel right. But I'm thinking about trying this out since my wife and I won't be getting into OP anytime soon, we have all the class decks, and we'd rather try something slightly different rather than go through S&S for a third time and burning out on the content before AP3 even comes. :D
Dave Riley |
Yeah, I've sorted out the B cards in the deck and there's 1/3 to 1/2 as many cards as any given boon category (with the RoRL Character Addon still sorted in). I printed out the card lists for the decks and RoRL, and I'm gonna see if I can use them to determine sort of equivalent power levels between the two, how many RoRL short swords and quarterstaffs I should shuffle in, etc. Might give it a shot tonight.