macdaddy_o |
I am running Savage tide for around 7-8 PC's (yes, its large, but that's the size of the group)
I am not happy with Rowyn Kellani in either of her two appearances or Vanthus when he invades Farshore.
I think both are woefully under powered for what the PCs will bring to bear.
1. Rowyn
I would like to keep her as a Bard/Rogue, maybe add a level or two, Give her melodic casting,
two Gut Tuggers and perhaps a few rogues/thugs.
Increase the size of the room, and maybe add in a Rhogodesha via some escape mechanism near the treasure room for when she makes her exit....
Of course, her chambers would have to be greatly increased in size. Which may not fit thematically? I think someone suggested doing it in the training room?
2. Rowyn on the Sea Wyvern
I need a lot of help changing this one and ideas on her build. Rogue/Bard/Assassin seems like it would fit, BUT, I'm not sure how bad arse she would be... and I want her to be BAD arse
3. Vanthus at Farshore
He is pretty pathetic in my opinion. I was considering either making him
- Pal/Sorc/SpellSword/AbjurantChamp
He can then be buffed up when he comes down, and as he has wings from the half fiend template, he could try to stay away and deal dmg from afar / single out targets. Basically try to divide and conquer.
- Warlock
With the grappling tentacles, vorascious dispelling, and Eldritch chain, plus a fell crucible, he could lock down some party members, keep his distance, dispel anyone that flies up, and keep doing ranged damage. He does the divide and conquer better I think.
Either way, he will need some minions to help prevent him from being killed in 1-2 rounds by the party. But I am at a loss of what minions to use, since I plan on having him fly down to them...


Are you running under 3.5 or PFRPG rules?
I ran as PFRPG, and they are pretty weedy (my group is 5-6) as written. All of them got Pathfinder'ised and largely re-written.
Rowyn was changed to a Rogue 3 / Sorcerer (Draconic) 3, Gut Tugger was left as Rogue 2. The room was made bigger to deal with the extra toons, but Rowyn used the furniture (bed, etc) to limit foes movements. She escaped via gaseous form.
On the Sea Wyvern, Rowyn actually used a permanent alter self and travelled on the Blue Nixie. Knowing she'd struggle against the PC's, she bumped off anyone who they got friendly with.
Rowyn eventually went the same way Noltus did, the PC's finally worked that out way into COBI.
Vanthus got a complete overhaul, ended up being Gestalt, and was a Fighter 8 / Aristocrat 1 / Tempest (from 3.5) 5 // Rogue 5 / Sorcerer (Abyssal) 9. He took on the party solo, to show that his key weakness was action economy (Sorcerer buffs covered the other weaknesses)
He turned out to be a blast... he managed to behead the party paladin and smash a pearl before dying himself, the subsequent savage tide claimed two more party members.
My groups just (last week) killed Vanthus for the last time (in Divideds Ire), where he was a Death Knight (Graveknight templated) Fighter 11 / Aristocrat 1 / Tempest 5 // Rogue 8 / Sorcerer (Abyssal) 9th. This time he was supposed to fight with the shadows, but the PCs cleared them up before he engaged them, and even though 3 of the party were out due to 'save or suck' effects, Vanthus got double teamed by the Mage and Rogue.
To me, Vanthus works great as Gestalt, and thematically too (due to the dual nature of the big bad). Rowyn has more issues, she doesn't seem to have anything massively useful to deal with big parties, so she turned into a bit of a non-event. This is the reason I had her play more in the shadows, making the party ask a lot of questions that were not relevant. My party thought that she was massively linked to Vanthus in some way (far more than the campaign states), and kept trying to scry on her.
She made quite a good red herring for most of my campaign

macdaddy_o |
I am using 3.5 rules.
I considered converting to Pathfinder, but haven't run it before and have none of the books, so I decided to go the easy route...
I was currently planning on having Rowyn (with basic bard upgrades: Inspirational boost, Song of the heart, and melodic casting) along with 2 Gut Tugger clones, the Zombie Bugbear and 6 1st level rogues acting as practice dummies in the practice/throne room.
She would hang back and sing, giving +3 hit/dmg to all her minions; maybe using her wand(s)/spells. If things were going against her, she would escape into the board room, and release the Rhogodessa (give the winch a release lever for its chain) and get out of Dodge.
I think this would give them a pretty challenging fight, bordering on killing off some. 2 Gut Tuggers may be too much with the Zombie Bugbear, so I may drop it back to the one original.
I hadn't considered her replacing Bard with Sorcerer. If I did Rogue 3 / Sorcerer 4, I don't know that the few spells she has would be all that helpful.
For Vanthus, I see what you mean about Gestalt, but I may not want to do that. May seem like cheating playing by different rules.
What sorcerer buffs were you using????? I could use some help to make sure I don't miss any. I have no trouble converting pathfinder spells to 3.5 that don't exist :)
I see you bumped him from 12th level to 14th level.
If I do a simple Sorcadin (Pal 2 / Sorc 4/ SpellSword 1 / Abj Champ 5 / "un"sacred Exorcist 2), he would be a "12th" level sorcerer and have a 6th level spell to fling around.
Give him a great sword or glaive (I'd rather have a 2-handed weapon for power attacking then 2-weapon fighting) and with a max power attack full round attack using wraith strike, it would hurt buckets, if not kill outright; then being able to throw up a wings of cover to deflect an attack, etc al. He should do well.
Later, I was planning on using the Death Knight template from MM II, but I may look over the pathfinder Grave knight for some ideas. Its similiar, but has some cool features added to it.


I see what you mean about Gestalt, but I gave him that as I really wanted to make him memorable. I'd worked really hard to make sure that the party REALLY hated him, I never thought that my group would fall for the trap under Parrot Island, but they did, and it just went from there. Anytime anything odd happened during the next 8 levels, they were all saying 'Bet that's Vanthus, that is'. Days like that I love being a GM.
So Gestalt was there to make sure he lived up to the expectation the party put on him, and also to re-emphasise the fiendish boons that he has been granted. It only worked due to my group being quite OP (they're really good at working together and can easily be on encounter clean up by the end of the first round), any normal party (especially of 4) would have been nailed to the floor by him.
I included Tempest from 3.5, as I wanted to keep his feel from the books, the two weapon longsword and sickle style, and it seemed to be the only real option at the time. And after that I found the Two Weapon Fighter archetype in PF... which isn't much different.
Buffs he had were Shield, Bulls Strength, Resist Energy, See Invisibility, Bears Endurance, Protection from Energy, Nondetection and Stoneskin
If you want to see his statblock, send me an IM with your email, and I'll add you to my google drive where my conversion notes are. (I haven't put Into The Maw Vanthus up there yet, but Tides of Dread Vanthus is there)
Suggest you do your plan for Rowyn, if I could do There Is No Honour again, I would setup more alarms and create a showdown in the training room like you've outlined. (My group did most of the thieves guild totally undetected, most of the rogues died in their beds)

Hagor |

one golden tip: you can try to do a search in the Savage Tide Forum - I believe there should be some discussions already on this subject
(e.g. Vanthus as combat monster)
In my (modified) ST Campaign the battle for Farshore will actually start next Saturday (I think it will take two sessions) & this battle will mark the end of this campaign.
My group is also quite strong (5-6 players, loaded on magic - strategy is usually: buff & heal the barbarian, while druid & sorcerer do their magic) (this almost backfired when the barbarian was one save away from being dominated) & have prepared Farshore to the best of their ability (as evidenced by their high Victory Point count so far).
At first I was not really planning to give Vanthus a power-up - do not forget the PCs will already have fought some quite tough encounters before meeting him, especially the vrocks (& their ability to summon even more vrocks), but I think I will give him some of the buffs TBA suggested.
I have increased the strength of the CF attack force:
+1 ship (but will be smashed against some 'stoneshaped' under water rocks)
- serpent flesh golems
- each ship now has a captain (lvl 7-8) + wizard/sorcerer/cleric officers (lvl5-6) + some specials (ogres; weresharks)- most of these will probably be dealt with by the Jade Ravens and the other Farshore defenders, but some might turn op leading a group of pirates and/or on the Yuan-ti ship for the PCs to fight.
I plan to have a few of these enemy personalities turn up (flying and/or invisible (an aludemon or flying air sorcerer) to assist Vanthus & thus balancing the action economy somewhat, rather than preparing a powered-up Vanthus.

macdaddy_o |
I know what you mean TBA. Because I don't want something similar to happen, I am altering things a bit.
Rowyn will be with Levana from the first time the party meets her. She'll be giving "good" advice that will, in retrospect, be in her interest. When the party finds out about the lotus dragons and lets levana in on it, Rowyn will of course be there.... :)
so, it will "speed" things up. The party will get a note soon after, followed by an ambush. When they do get into the guild hall, everyone will already be on alert. Thus, I can setup a "plausible" prepared ambush in the hall.
That gives a good climactic fight, allows Rowyn to be the manipulator in the background, and increase her chance of escape so she can torment the PC's later; and they will be thinking, "Damn, we should have seen that coming.", so I can make them a little paranoid/on edge.
Of course, I still have yet to figure out how Rowyn will progress for her final segment....
If I do make Vanthus Gestalt, I'll probably do some variation of Paladin of slaughter/ sorcerer, spellsword, abjurant champ.
With the channel spell ability and arcane strike plus buffs, he would really be able to put on the hurt.
I think that path would be good for him, especially with how I plan on starting the campaign with a little prequel.
Thanks for the ideas TBA.


Slipknot Peet got a rewrite in mine, changed to a Fighter 7 / Rogue 5, wielding two scimitars and with the Dazzling Display / Shatter Defenses combination.
He was backed up by Anvil (Half Orc Sorcerer (Marid) 7 / Rogue 2) and 6 Rats End Pirates (Fighter 4 / Rogue 3)
But my group have 6 PCs and are pretty OP.

Luna eladrin |
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If you use 3.5 rules, consider making Rowyn a thrall of Malcathet (from Dragon 353).
Rowyn remained a recurring presence in my campaign until the very end.