Yerdiss |

I noticed that on the PACG character sheets, a watermark is added to identify my account. In itself, all okay, but I also noticed that this watermark included the e-mail address I used to register with at Paizo.com.
Now, I don't mind that info being added to pdf files that I only use myself. However, I like to be able to distribute these character sheets to people playing the card game with me, trying to be a good host and all that jazz :) But I do not much care for my registration e-mail to be distributed to everyone I play with like that.
I'm not sure why the e-mail was added, but if the purpose of the watermark can be fulfilled without it, or at least with a less compromising bit of data, that'd be great. I'd have no problem with a username, or some Paizo-internal unique ID, for instance.