Online Game - Looking for a couple players for a home brew one shot

Gamer Connection

The 'one shot' will be three sessions (Oct 17, 24, and 31st). I don't want to give out too many details at this time. It's a play test for an adventure I wrote, and will be submitting for publication.

I'll say that it's a level 1 urban adventure with a Police Academy/Naked Gun feel. Lighthearted with strong comedy elements, and frequent role play opportunities.

Games are on Friday from 6:30pm-10:30pm central time.

We play using a free virtual table top. No voice chat for those that might find it to be a deal breaker, or perhaps maker.

After that we'll be launching a long term campaign, so this is a good option to test the waters, and perhaps get your foot in the door with a dedicated group of role players.

I've got 3-4 other players lined up from a previous campaign. We've been together for 14 months but recently lost few players due to real life.

Let me know if interested.

Shameless bump. Its gonna be fun! Join us we dont bite (except for Caer)

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