Heroshi |

The first one is to promote the evil side. When they kill an opponent they get bonus xp for an overkill. For every 1 hp they get 10 xp. For example when a pirate submits at 2 hp and they decide to kill them, hitting them with 10 dmg and leaving them at -8hp, this gives them 80bonus xp. It seems like a lot at first but by the time they collect thousands of xp this isn't much. Plus I have 5 players so it helps not having to bump up the CR or force more random encounters.
The second is because we kind of hate rebuilding characters so we have a injury/death chart. When a character reaches 0hp they roll on it. The roll is 1d20 + heal bonus + con bonus + their current negative xp. So the bigger the hp loss the more likely the major injury or possibly death. The roll outcomes are as follows:
1 or less. Death
2-7 permanent ability loss. 2. Str. 3. Dex...etc. (loss of limb str dex, knocked out teeth Cha, poked out eye, major concussion int, wis) The amount of the loss depends on a 1d6 roll.
8-13 major ability loss. 8. Str 9. Dex...etc. (major cuts, broken bones, fat lips, black eyes) The amount of loss is 1d6. These heal slowly over time, not like normal ability point heals. These I require two Fort saves in a row to heal 1 ability point. The save is equal to 10+the ability point total loss. For example one of my players rolled and lost 6 dex. The way we played it out in story is that he got stuck in the thigh with a dagger. He attempts a DC 16 Fort save two days in a row to heal 1 dex. Once he heals the 1 point it drops to a DC 15 because he only has 5 dex loss.
14-19 minor ability loss. These are the same only they last for hours instead of days.
20 Now this one you can decide if they just replenish their hp or something like that. It's like you stared death in the face and came out unharmed. Mine I have set up so they then roll a 1d6. 1. Half health back. 2 full health. 3. Adinaline boost they get a free turn immediatly. 4. 2 free turns. 5. They get a turn with a auto crit. 6. They auto kill their opponent.
21+ nothing. Just returned hp
After they roll on the death chart they then replenish hp in the amount equal to their number of HD. For example a level 2 monk would rol 2d8.
This leaves your group open to look like pirates. Not too far in and we got a monk with a limp, a sorcerer with a disfigured nose, and a fighter with missing teeth. We are just waiting to see who gets the first pegleg or hook hand.
Here is how our first "death" went down.
Our monk was at 3hp and was hit with dagger for 6dmg putting him at -3hp. He rolled on the death chart with +2 con,+2 heal and -3 hp, he rolled an 8 giving him a total of 9. This was a major dex injury. He then was unlucky and rolled a 6 giving him -6 dex. Story wise the pirate stabbed his thigh as he was backing away tearing major ligaments. The monk then rolled his 2d8 for his hp getting a lousy 3hp back. The fighter was up next and crit the pirate for 10dmg leaving him at -7 and gainning the group 70 bonus xp to split.