Scenario Tracking Sheets for PSACG?

Pathfinder Adventure Card Society

The Guild guidelines indicate an event organizer should download scenario tracking sheets to write down information at the conclusion of the event so the event can be reported.

Where are the scenario tracking sheets? :)

Grand Lodge

When the organizer sets up the event on the Pathfinder Society page, once the event is there, you can download the tracking sheet. (It is marked with the event number.)

The Exchange

sort of, the sheet that downloads is for PFS and wholly unusable for PACG, but yes, that would be where you could find it once that problem is fixed.

in the interim I have just used a piece of scratch paper to get all of the necessary data now that we know what is needed for reporting.

Grand Lodge

Why is it wholly unusable? All you need is character number and name. It just has a lot of extra stuff. It works just fine. And then add the rest of what you need.

I took photos of each player's Chronicle sheet after they had finished filling them out and used that info to report the event.

Thanks for the info, guys.

NOG the Demoralizer wrote:

sort of, the sheet that downloads is for PFS and wholly unusable for PACG, but yes, that would be where you could find it once that problem is fixed.

in the interim I have just used a piece of scratch paper to get all of the necessary data now that we know what is needed for reporting.

NOG the Demoralizer wrote:

sort of, the sheet that downloads is for PFS and wholly unusable for PACG, but yes, that would be where you could find it once that problem is fixed.

in the interim I have just used a piece of scratch paper to get all of the necessary data now that we know what is needed for reporting.

Where can I find that list of needed stuff? Please and thanks!

I've been using the Event Reporting page, but I'm not sure I'm doing it right. For example, Each card type only offers one check box. But what if a character took, say, a Weapon as both the scenario reward and their deck upgrade?

I'm hoping you only track the cards obtained from scenario rewards. Otherwise I'll have to track down my players as I didn't note what normal deck upgrades they took.

Silver Crusade 3/5

This is a tracking sheet I just threw together. I'm sure it can be better, but it covers the basics asked by the reporting page.

PFSACG Tracking Sheet

As for having to track the cards obtained, it looks like we will have to. Here's the reporting page in case anyone hasn't seen it yet.

Paizo Reporting Page

Hopefully that helps everyone out. If there's something I left off the tracking page, let me know.

Scarab Sages 1/5

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I took Joshua's tracking sheet and made a few tweaks. Here is my modified version. Still very bare bones. I just wanted to have check boxes. =)

Reporting Sheet

The Exchange

Nice Joshua, stole it

Silver Crusade 3/5

Feel free to steal away and modify like Sarah did. Mine took 5 minutes to make, if that. I figured it was a good way to start the collaboration process that we do so well here on the forums.

Grand Lodge 4/5 5/55/5

Joshua North wrote:

This is a tracking sheet I just threw together. I'm sure it can be better, but it covers the basics asked by the reporting page.

PFSACG Tracking Sheet

Thanks for this.

Joshua North wrote:
As for having to track the cards obtained, it looks like we will have to. Here's the reporting page in case anyone hasn't seen it yet.

You don't mean upgrades, right? Looking at the reporting, there is only a check box and I figured that was for rewards and not deck upgrades.

Silver Crusade 3/5

Joshua North wrote:

As for having to track the cards obtained, it looks like we will have to. Here's the reporting page in case anyone hasn't seen it yet.

Totenpfuhl wrote:

You don't mean upgrades, right? Looking at the reporting, there is only a check box and I figured that was for rewards and not deck upgrades.

Nope, you're right. I meant upgrades. The morning coffee wasn't fully active yet apparently at the time I wrote that.

Scarab Sages 1/5

Joshua North wrote:
Joshua North wrote:

As for having to track the cards obtained, it looks like we will have to. Here's the reporting page in case anyone hasn't seen it yet.

Totenpfuhl wrote:

You don't mean upgrades, right? Looking at the reporting, there is only a check box and I figured that was for rewards and not deck upgrades.

Nope, you're right. I meant upgrades. The morning coffee wasn't fully active yet apparently at the time I wrote that.

Oh man, maybe I am reporting this all wrong? I thought we were reporting the deck upgrades as well as any scenario rewards.....

The Exchange

I am reporting both as it hasn't been clarified yet. It is easy enough to go back in and edit the individual sessions if they change it to only reporting the reward, but it will be harder to get the other info after the fact. As long as you check the reward taken box (assuming it was taken), you can reference the reward on the scenario and unclick whatever the other box was if it isn't necessary.

Hard to tell if they want the info or not, reporting allows the same character to run the same scenario, though it does give a warning that it has already been played, at the same time the reporting screen doesn't allow for a scenario where the reward and the upgrade could be the same card type, easy to do in I think 0-1A iirc.

Need Tanis or MB to post what exactly need to be reported for their data gathering, if it is indeed to report upgrade and reward, they need to add a second set of boxes for each boon in case the player doubles up for each session. It would be lovely to get clarification before we do too many more sessions though (this would also help us make our own reporting sheets until an official one becomes available).

Silver Crusade 3/5

I'm reporting both pieces of information as well for the time being until we get a clarification on the matter. I personally figured they can see what character is linked to the PFSACG number and can figure out what cards are the most popular that way during the upgrade process.

Could Tanis and/or Mike Brock shed some light on these tracking sheets? I'm running my first scenario this weekend, and I want to make sure I track everything correctly.

Kevin Bender wrote:
I took photos of each player's Chronicle sheet after they had finished filling them out and used that info to report the event.

I think I'm going to do this just to be sure.

Silver Crusade 3/5

I kinda wish there was two sets of radial buttons on the reporting sheet, one for "rewards" and one for "upgrades", that way we can indicate what was selected for each one.

Side note: I also wish there was a way to track your deck list on your character page, sort of like a deck builder that is saved to your account. After each scenario, you can go in there and indicate what cards/feats you chose and then it'll link those changes to the reporting of a scenario. I know that's asking a lot on the technology side, but it'd be really nice!

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Being a visual person, it would be great if somebody would do a series of videos for PFSACG stuff. I would love to see videos of the following:
How to build a deck
How to apply your upgrades
How to fill out a Tracking Sheet

I would offer to do it, but I'm not sure I have all of the fine points down yet.

Grand Lodge

tkpope wrote:

Being a visual person, it would be great if somebody would do a series of videos for PFSACG stuff. I would love to see videos of the following:

How to build a deck
How to apply your upgrades
How to fill out a Tracking Sheet

I would offer to do it, but I'm not sure I have all of the fine points down yet.

Quick! Someone get me a camera and some spare time!!!!

Silver Crusade 3/5

The Knight Argent wrote:
tkpope wrote:

Being a visual person, it would be great if somebody would do a series of videos for PFSACG stuff. I would love to see videos of the following:

How to build a deck
How to apply your upgrades
How to fill out a Tracking Sheet

I would offer to do it, but I'm not sure I have all of the fine points down yet.

Quick! Someone get me a camera and some spare time!!!!

Spare time? What's that? I've never done a YouTube video before, but if I discover what this spare time thing is, I'd give it a shot. (Please, someone else take advantage of this opportunity!)

Joshua North wrote:
I kinda wish there was two sets of radial buttons on the reporting sheet, one for "rewards" and one for "upgrades", that way we can indicate what was selected for each one.

This, please and thanks.

Scarab Sages 1/5

1 person marked this as a favorite.
tkpope wrote:

Being a visual person, it would be great if somebody would do a series of videos for PFSACG stuff. I would love to see videos of the following:

How to build a deck
How to apply your upgrades
How to fill out a Tracking Sheet

I would offer to do it, but I'm not sure I have all of the fine points down yet.

I only have an ipad or phone for video but if i can convince a friend to hold my ipad or phone for me, I might be able to whip something up. No promises and hopefully someone beats me to it. ;P

8 people marked this as a favorite.
tkpope wrote:

Being a visual person, it would be great if somebody would do a series of videos for PFSACG stuff. I would love to see videos of the following:

How to build a deck
How to apply your upgrades
How to fill out a Tracking Sheet

I would offer to do it, but I'm not sure I have all of the fine points down yet.

Well I took a crack at the first two. Check them out.

Starting Deck Tutorial

Rewards, Upgrades and Rebuilding Tutorial

The Exchange

Thanks for the videos Shade, going to link them to our PFS facebook page.

Silver Crusade 4/5 5/55/55/55/5 ****

Likewise - nicely done!

Shade325 wrote:
tkpope wrote:

Being a visual person, it would be great if somebody would do a series of videos for PFSACG stuff. I would love to see videos of the following:

How to build a deck
How to apply your upgrades
How to fill out a Tracking Sheet

I would offer to do it, but I'm not sure I have all of the fine points down yet.

Well I took a crack at the first two. Check them out.

Starting Deck Tutorial

Rewards, Upgrades and Rebuilding Tutorial

You're my hero!

Sovereign Court 4/5 5/55/5 **

Pathfinder Maps, Rulebook, Starfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Thanks Shade, I've already shared them with our local pfs facebook page.

Paizo Glitterati Robot

Just popping in real quick that this one is on our radar and you guys should be seeing something soon :)

Grand Lodge

Chris, all of it?

The reporting sheets need tailoring for PFSACG. And instructions.
The reporting screens and additional info needing tracked.
Videos and demos.

Pathfinder ACG Designer

Theryon Stormrune wrote:

Chris, all of it?

The reporting sheets need tailoring for PFSACG. And instructions.
The reporting screens and additional info needing tracked.
Videos and demos.

Working on A and B. C would be lovely, but is more of a 'nice-to-have' than a 'need-to-have'.

EDIT: Also, see local hero Bonny Paz's YouTube channel.

Somewhat related to this... I filled in a couple of session reports for our games at my local store. If I go to the "Sessions" tab on the "My Pathfinder Society" page, I can see both player sessions for my character and GM sessions for both scenarios we've played, but I don't see anything when I click on either my character or "Sessions" on the "Player" tab. Does anyone else have any info on their player tab? Have I done something wrong?

gmarsden wrote:
I don't see anything when I click on either my character or "Sessions" on the "Player" tab. Does anyone else have any info on their player tab? Have I done something wrong?

I'm just a player; when I go to My Pathfinder Society and under My Characters I click on my character's name, I go to a "Your search didn't match any items" page; similarly, if I click on Sessions, I get the same page. I know at least one of my sessions has been reported. Something appears broken here.


elcoderdude wrote:
gmarsden wrote:
I don't see anything when I click on either my character or "Sessions" on the "Player" tab. Does anyone else have any info on their player tab? Have I done something wrong?
I'm just a player; when I go to My Pathfinder Society and under My Characters I click on my character's name, I go to a "Your search didn't match any items" page; similarly, if I click on Sessions, I get the same page. I know at least one of my sessions has been reported. Something appears broken here.

Having the same problem here, too.

Joshua and Sarah created scenario trackers for reporting results above. I took their ideas and modified it for each individual character. You can easily track the progress of your character(s) with this handy dandy worksheet.

PSACG Character Tracker

Shadow Lodge 4/5 5/55/55/55/5 ****

I don't know if it got posted elsewhere, but the ACG reporting sheets HERE are pretty awesome, IMHO!

Regarding the character sheet and the session reporting sheet. Is there any reason for having three spaces to capture upgrades? Unless I am overlooking something, aren't we only limited to 1 upgrade not including rewards?

NyteJKL wrote:
Regarding the character sheet and the session reporting sheet. Is there any reason for having three spaces to capture upgrades? Unless I am overlooking something, aren't we only limited to 1 upgrade not including rewards?

I don't know if this is right, but if I replay a scenario, I just add the upgrade to the list of upgrades from the first time I played the scenario. This way I'll have the whole adventure on one sheet, instead of needing multiple sheets.

Grand Lodge

elcoderdude wrote:
NyteJKL wrote:
Regarding the character sheet and the session reporting sheet. Is there any reason for having three spaces to capture upgrades? Unless I am overlooking something, aren't we only limited to 1 upgrade not including rewards?
I don't know if this is right, but if I replay a scenario, I just add the upgrade to the list of upgrades from the first time I played the scenario. This way I'll have the whole adventure on one sheet, instead of needing multiple sheets.

Actually, you should have a separate entry for each scenario played. That way you track whether you succeeded or not that time. Originally, the chronicle sheets had the scenarios pre-printed on them so it made it difficult for replay.

I would love if they added a box for date/event so that you can track when you played a scenario and at what event (PFS generated number).

Grand Lodge

As far as the three upgrade spaces, I think it is just in case there's a scenario where you are allowed multiple upgrades.

Actually, many scenarios already allow multiple upgrades. Random card rewards need to be written in as upgrades, so a lot of scenarios already have the possibility of needing at least two of the three upgrade spaces:

Filling Out a Chronicle Sheet, page 14 of OP Guide wrote:
If your character is gaining scenario rewards, note any feats gained under Scenario Reward and, if you gained a deck upgrade as part of a scenario reward, check off a box and fill in the boon type and adventure deck number of the reward. For example, Chris has just completed a scenario from adventure 2, and she’s gained a random item from the box as a scenario reward. Since scenario rewards come from her Class Deck box instead of the game box, she takes the items with an adventure deck number of B, 1, and 2 from her Class Deck box and randomly pulls a Conch Shell, which has an adventure deck number of 1. If Chris wants to upgrade her deck with this reward, she checks off a box under Deck Upgrades and writes “Item 1” in the adjacent blank.

The third one is likely just in case a Scenario allows for two random card rewards or if an Adventure includes a random card reward: 1 space for normal upgrade through play, 1 space for random card from the Scenario reward, and 1 space for random card from the Adventure reward.

CanisDirus wrote:
I don't know if it got posted elsewhere, but the ACG reporting sheets HERE are pretty awesome, IMHO!

I agree. I print out one of these for each Character and use red ink for Skills, Powers, and Cards List upgrades, though pencil for deck composition. As she receives upgrades to her deck, I erase an existing "check" by that card and place a new "check" by her new card.

For ease of use, I also write the number from the Cards List by each Boon. For example, next to "Blessings" I might make a small 4. If a Character has three of the same card in her deck, I put a small "3" instead of a single "check."

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