Solid Party needs new GM for RotRL


We have a full party very early in Rise of the Runelords (haven't even gotten to the first combat yet). Our GM had no history on the boards but he put together a good party of committed players. The introductions were going really well and then he just vanished from the forums without a word (abandoned our game and another he had started as a player).

Here is the gameplay thread, so you can get a feel for the party (and players).

We're all really excited about our characters and this AP. We're looking for a GM who can post 1/day (or more), hopefully. And, we'd prefer someone with some history on the boards so there's no fear of another disappearing act.

RPG Superstar 2008 Top 16

Hi Bladric, sorry to see you lost your DM before the adventure actually got underway.

I just looked over your Game Thread and the Discussion Thread and I really like the characters that are forming and the party dynamic looks good. I might be interested in helping you out and taking over as your game master. I will let your group decide if you think I would be a good match for you and the style of play you are interested in.

I already run a RotRL PBP here on the boards. It started in November of 2010 and we are now into the second book of the AP. This is slower than many other of the long running PBP's but we have had some short hiatus breaks due to real life...moves across country, computer crashes and the like have caused us some delays. I am lucky to have committed players who when theses things have happened have waited patiently and resumed playing. In the course of the adventure I graduated seminary, moved from KY to NE, and started a new career, and increased the size of my family. We also focus on the role play over the combat so some we have had some very fun and interesting side tangents related to the AP but not actually part of the overall goals. I measure our success not on how far through the books we have gotten but on how wonderful the story we are telling is turning out.

Regarding posting frequency, I would prefer to post at least once a day (M-F) as the DM, and see each of the players post that often as well. That said let me share some RL things about me that interfere with that goal. I serve as the pastor for three rural churches and sometimes I am not as free to post as I would like. Funerals, which have been happening frequently make it difficult for me to post around that time. I also have to travel some for conferences, during those times it becomes more difficult to keep up the posting. Although one trip it actual made it easier, go figure. Anyway I always try to let the group know when I might be away from the boards for these types of things. Also, my wife just had our third child and a new baby in the household causes chaos, in a good way, but it might interfere with me getting up a post or two...that will be less likely when she goes back to work at the end of the month, but it could happen.

When it comes to combat we have an understanding to help keep the thread flowing. I post the Order of Initiative an then any PC who acts before the monsters is free to post their action even out of turn order, sometimes a PC waits to see what someone with a higher roll does first. I then make a summary post describing the results of those actions in the turn order and the NPC actions. Then any PC still to post make theirs, again as they see the thread and not necessarily in turn order and then I make a summery post wrapping up the round putting their actions into the correct order. I post maps as often as needed, usually at the Top of the Round, and right after the NPC/monster actions to help visualize the combat. If there are more than one NPC/monster with different INTIT Rolls it just stretches out the combat and I put an extra post. Typically we get through a round of combat in one or two days of posts. I try not to BOT PC's unless the player specially asks me to. RL happens to you all too and sometimes you need to say DM bot me until next week--this is my objective.

I am against PvP, this is an adventuring group and they should be working together for the common goal of the AP. That said good role-play can have arguments, tension, long as both PC's are in agreement on the telling of the story I am fine with that as long as the player and group goal is always to have the PC's working towards some resolution that keeps them together as a group. From what I have read about the characters I think you all have a lot of potential to develop a great RotRL tale.

My DM style is for flavor and story over technical crunch...I do try to follow the rules of the PRD, if I make an error I am willing to fix it with a retro post if the PC's agree it's needed. I do DM fiat things from time to time. For example I let some zombies get a fist attack because it made the encounter exciting, the PC's at the time were well above the CR for the encounter as well so I knew the "breaking" of that rule wouldn't overmatch them.

So I guess let all your PC's know. Follow the links to Desna's Chosen if you want to read my RotRL thread...but don't go to far. Wouldn't want there to be any spoilers. :) If you would like me to take on as your DM let me know, if you want to wait and see if there are other candidates before deciding I respect that, if you want to say "thanks but no thanks" that is fine too.

RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32

I understand those reasons for not posting all too well... I actually pastor a church in rural New York. Which seminary did you attend in Kentuky? (Asbury, outside of Lexington, was one of the seminaries I looked at)

edit: the party is aware of your interest and discussing/voting.

Liberty's Edge

In case you don't pick MythrilDragon for any reason send me a PM.

Thanks Corsario, we'll keep that in mind

RPG Superstar 2008 Top 16

Thanks for taking the time to discuss and vote at a group. Feel free to see what Corsario has to offer and compare if you like, I won't have hard feelings if you all chose to go another way.

My wife and I both attended Louisville Presbyterian Theological Seminary in Louisville. I am familiar with Asbury, I have a cousin whose wife went there and I did a unite of CPE accreditation with a UMC pastor who was attending there. I also lived in Lexington for awhile. My wife graduated first and now serves a Presbyterian church in NE. I graduate the year after and am blessed to find three UMC churches who needed a pastor. I technically am a lay minister while I complete my Ordination requirements with the PCUSA, the denomination I am a member of.

Where are you serving and where did you end up going to Seminary?

I actually haven't finished seminary yet- I'm serving as a Licensed Local Pastor at a UMC church about an hour and a half south of Buffalo NY while I finish going through ordination (in the UMC). I'm doing my coursework in a cross enrollment program- partly through Northeastern Seminary (a free Methodist school in Rochester NY) and I'll graduate from United Theological (a UMC school in Dayton OH).

Definitely looking forward to playing under one of you guys for sure!

Liberty's Edge

Nothing to offer... Yet.

MythrilDragon seems like a great DM. I am only the backup for now.

RPG Superstar 2008 Top 16

Baldric Moore wrote:
I actually haven't finished seminary yet- I'm serving as a Licensed Local Pastor at a UMC church about an hour and a half south of Buffalo NY while I finish going through ordination (in the UMC). I'm doing my coursework in a cross enrollment program- partly through Northeastern Seminary (a free Methodist school in Rochester NY) and I'll graduate from United Theological (a UMC school in Dayton OH).

Wow...small internet :) I used to live outside of Dayton, OH 15 years ago. I still have family in Cincinnati / Northern KY. That is awesome you are able to serve and get your MDIV (?) through two seminary institutions. Good Luck with that. How long will that take?

Shadow Lodge

This is CTK checking in on this thread. I just wanted to make it known that I am part of the group that the person who takes over this thing will be running the game for. Sorry for the late arrival. Time Warner has been shit today.

Another one of the players here! MythrilDragon looks fantastic, looking forward to getting started up again after the pause. Surprised at the amount of interest in religion among us. I'm currently doing a bachelor's degree in religion myself, no seminary for me however.

RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32

lol- well, Travok, if you ever need help with an assignment you know where to come (my undergrad is actually in philosophy and comparative religion too).

@MythrilDragon- we have unanimous consent among the party: we're all excited to get the campaign back on track with you GMing. Would you prefer to 'inherit' the old thread or start a new one? Either option is fine with us, there's so little in the original thread that starting a new one wouldn't be a big deal, just let us know your preference in the discussion tab (of the linked thread). As for my MDiv, I have no idea how long it's going to take, my course load has been varying from 0 to 9 credits per semester depending on what's going on in RL (I've finished about 30 credits and have about 60 to go).

RPG Superstar 2008 Top 16

Great! I think it will be best from my perspective to start a new thread with me as the DM. In the initial post I will link the original start thread so that it will be easy for anyone to go back and find. I'm not going to REBOOT and start all have already done a wonderful job of building the party together some and have established some great role-play that I want to build upon. I am DM that enjoy's collaborative working with the PC's so I am inspired to build on Vhik's visit to the brothel and Satinder's interactions with Amekio. Readying what you hav already done is what encouraged me to go ahead and offer to be the DM. I will get an OOC thread started for everyone to check in on while I get the Game thread OP going. You might need to give me a day (or two) to do it please be patient while I work on it, I know you are all eager to get going and I am too, so I will get on it as fast as I can.

@Baldric: Slow and steady, Seminary is an overwhelming adventure I can't imagine doing it long-distance while serving full-time in a congregation. Let me know if I can help support you in any way.

@Travok: WOW...I am always amazed to find other religious gamers, we seem so few...but I aways seem to stubble upon them. One of the players the RotRL game I am already running went to Seminary too.

Liberty's Edge

Glad you are back on track! Have fun!

Thanks so much for the offer Corsario!

Shadow Lodge

Ditto that at Corsario. It's nice to know we were a desirable looking set up over here.

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