This Means War... (Necropunk APG) [Little Red]

Product Discussion

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So we are JUST about done with the mammoth task of putting together the Necropunk Advanced Player’s guide. It will be releasing this Saturday and our fantastic Kickstarter backers will get a chance to get their hands on it for free!

This book covers war in the necropunk universe, plain and simple. It has rules for mass combat, a squad template, vehicles (from bio-tech antigrav motorcycles to squid-like capital ships), and even nukes (yes- you can play with nukes and fuel rod baseball bats in the APG). However, that’s not ALL this book covers. It covers a HUGE variety of material and all of it is wrapped with Necropunk’s signature style (as Endzeitgeist puts it: ’Necropunk is about the setting, the ideas – much like an alien-less, thinking man’s Warhammer 40K, it is a dark vision of the future, but not a grim one. Nor is it a rip-off, it has its own, distinct identity that appeals greatly to me, because it’s for once a scifi setting that is not illogical or been there, done that. It’s innovative.”).

The Necropunk Advanced Player’s Guide Covers:

  • Vehicles

    Modified vehicular rules suited to space and ground combat based on the Pathfinder rules that are more streamlined. It has dozens of war vessels and personal craft suited for war, adventuring, and even grave robbing! This chapter also has the Pilot base class (Find out how/why they are the only class other than Magpie who uses T’jek!)

  • The Zeitgeist and the Partisan
    This chapter covers the concept of “Zeitgeists”, the literal psionic manifestations of political will and the partisan base class that utilizes it! They are this setting’s “paladin” equivalent, though they are deeply tied to the faction mechanic from the base book.

  • New Languages
    This comparatively short chapter covers new languages (want to rap in new latin?), encoded languages, sign languages, and even dead languages (because everyone wants to be able to sing pop songs in ancient Hebrew right?)

  • Equipment
    This section covers so much ground. It has dozens of new armors (including boneskin variants), a dozen new weapons, a slew of new items (how about a USB stick that has enough space to contain all of humanity’s created data several times over?), explosives and new modifications for them (proximity mine ear splitters are my person favorite), price listings for services on everything from political assassinations to getting a loan, a dozen new weapons (including 2 lyrical weapons), and SO much more (shopping spree anyone?)! We’ve also got body modifications, ghoul modifications, weapon modification, and armor modifications so that you don’t have to JUST be a grave robbing coreworlder with a mass driver that can shoot hypersonic slag the size of a softball. No, with this book you can be a FOUR ARMED grave robbing coreworlder with a mass driver that can shoot hypersonic slag the size of a softball with dragonfly eyes backed up by a ghoul whose only mission is life is to turn anyone who opposes you into meat-soup. This chapter also covers the Atomic Priesthood, atomic bombs, anti-radiation gear, radiation poisoning (and the other effects of an a-bomb) as well as energy production in Necropunk.

  • Grave Robbing
    This is kind of a GM-focused chapter that details how to set up a grave robbing adventure, the kind of opponent’s to use, and gives some samples. It also mentions something called, “Murder Elephants”, but you’ll have to read up on that yourself to see exactly why they are called that.

  • New Feats & Skill Uses
    We have two-dozen new feats and 5 new uses for skills (legal loopholes is my favorite and plays into the social combat system!). These range from things that can add a bit of “umph” to existing characters (magpies got some love) to new command feats that are linked to the mass combat rules.

  • Mass Combat Rules
    The mass combat chapter presents two new rulesets. One is the squad template which can be used to create squads of NPCs that turn low-level enemies into viable high level encounters. The second is an “off screen” combat resolution system that helps resolve major conflicts. It is based on Sun Tzu’s “The Art of War” (uses his factors as mechanics) and is still a good deal of fun for the players to engage in. Though D&D came from a wargame (see Chainmail) it’s never been particularly good at massive encounters and, as the Necropunk APG is all about war, we aimed to fix that here. The system is simple, intuitive, and can resolve any large-scale conflict.

    We have been working on this for WAY too long and we are unbelievably excited to show this off. Art is done by Andrew “Viking” Bortniak and is (pardon the pun) out of this world!
    It launches on Saturday and I hope you’ll all give it a read!

  • Suddenly, Murder Elephants.

    And because people were asking about it on Facebook, Murder Elephant T-Shirts are now for sale.

    Now avaiable for sale on DriveThruRPG and coming soon to and the d20PFSRD store!

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