Looking for an adventure / module

Pathfinder Adventure Path General Discussion

I'm hoping I can get some suggestions for a short-duration campaign.

I want to run levels 5-10ish, something that's around 2 pathfinder AP books.

Are there any 3rd party adventures that come to mind? I saw the Tales of Old Margreve and thought to make a campaign from some of those adventures.

Are there any APs in which the first book can be fairly easily thrown out/summarized and begin in book 2?

I have players who have already done Reign of Winter, Jade Reagent, and Kingmaker... so I'd prefer something else.

Thanks in advance for any input!


Then run Ruby Pheonix tournament.

That's just about perfect for 5-10.

Liberty's Edge

Shattered Star and Runelords are both very episodic and books 2 & 3 of both could be run separately from the AP easily enough.

If you don't mind converting 3.5 stuff the shackled city pieces from levels 5-10 (I think Flood Season and Zenith Trajectory) are both great too.

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