Looking for other Pathfinder Players at Ft. Riley KS.

Gamer Connection

Liberty's Edge

howdy, just pcs'ed to fort riley,

looking for other pathfinder players in the area!


Liberty's Edge

hmm are there really no other pathfinder gamers near Fort Riley Kansas?

Dark Archive

Dunno where Ft Riley is, But here in Liberal, in SW KS, it is a veritable desert. PBP is my only outlet here. There are some games but they are few and far between, and no real community to speak of.....

Liberty's Edge

Chakka wrote:
Dunno where Ft Riley is, But here in Liberal, in SW KS, it is a veritable desert. PBP is my only outlet here. There are some games but they are few and far between, and no real community to speak of.....

dang... that sucks... hrmmm

gonna have to see if I can interest other soldiers in doing pathfinder again.

Silver Crusade

There's someone in Manhattan, KS, who posted a little while ago (unless that was you under a different alias).

I used to be stuck out there until May of this year, but I've finally escaped. Unfortunately, the people I knew at Fort Riley who are gamers are all deployed right now (with 1 exception, and that 1 PCS'd to Korea in December). Wish I could give ya better contacts, but it is kind of a wasteland out there.

Liberty's Edge

Finn Kveldulfr wrote:

There's someone in Manhattan, KS, who posted a little while ago (unless that was you under a different alias).

I used to be stuck out there until May of this year, but I've finally escaped. Unfortunately, the people I knew at Fort Riley who are gamers are all deployed right now (with 1 exception, and that 1 PCS'd to Korea in December). Wish I could give ya better contacts, but it is kind of a wasteland out there.

lol and nope that wasn't me out in manhattan KS, can I get a link to that please?

Yeah... Riley is kinda a hole.... Junction city is... ehhh and Aggyville hrmm dunno.

but anymore info is most welcome

Silver Crusade

The individual's username on Paizo is CorrinAvatan, and (so long as I don't botch it, here's the earlier thread from this very section on the message boards):

http://paizo.com/threads/rzs2rdly?Just-moved-to-Junction-CityManhattan-Kans as

Good luck!

Liberty's Edge

Finn Kveldulfr wrote:

The individual's username on Paizo is CorrinAvatan, and (so long as I don't botch it, here's the earlier thread from this very section on the message boards):

http://paizo.com/threads/rzs2rdly?Just-moved-to-Junction-CityManhattan-Kans as

Good luck!


just shot him a message

hopefully there will be some light in this dark dank hole of a region.

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