I think I inadvertantly reported a scenario twice!

GM Discussion

Lantern Lodge RPG Superstar 2014 Top 4

So I'm not sure how I broke this or if I actually did or not. I just finished my first time GMing for PFS with aon online table of The Confirmation. I reported the scenario via the online reporting module and clicked "save and exit" and noticed that the event didn't... go away or anything. So I clicked report again and was surprised to see the fields empty. I filled them out again and clicked "save and exit" again. Then I noticed it's saying I have 2 tables of credit.

I didn't intend to report that particular table twice and now I'm not sure how to undo that unintentional damage. The event is # 45,667.

If anyone could be of assistance I'd be really grateful. I'm admittedly a little overwhelmed by the reporting process and not wanting to break things (or do it wrong) and managed to anyway!


It will be taken care of, Have no worries.

So since you created the event go back to it, and on the bottom when you report it, click on delete this session and it should delete your session.

Let me know if that works for you.

Lantern Lodge RPG Superstar 2014 Top 4

Ah! Oh that worked! Thanks so much :)

Is there a good guide for the reporting functionality of Paizo.com? It's kind of a complex system and a step-by-step would be really handy. I checked GM 101 and 201 but those are more focused on the running the game elements.

Thanks again June, you're fantastic!

Sovereign Court 1/5

The first time I GM'ed anything for PFS I got this.

So I thought it was normal to get double credit for your first time?

Liberty's Edge 4/5 5/5

MaartenDF wrote:

The first time I GM'ed anything for PFS I got this.

So I thought it was normal to get double credit for your first time?

All sanctioned 16-page and 32-page Pathfinder Modules count as two points towards GM stars; this includes the Free RPG Day ones such as We Be Goblins. It wasn't related to anyone GMing for the first time.

Sovereign Court 5/5 5/5 ****

@MaartenDF: Modules provide double GM credit (which is what you have listed there). What the OP was referring to was actually reporting the same game twice (which would have resulted in quadruple credit ;-)).

Sovereign Court 1/5

Cool, thanks

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