Why can't I add an address and be allowed to buy a product?

Customer Service

I can't buy the PDF I'd like to buy until I can add an address. Your system just won't allow either my adding an address nor my buying anything without an address.

Is this meant to chase me away? Please let me add my address and buy Eldritch Skies unisystem.

Thank-you Astromancer13

Try what is suggested in THIS POST.

-- david

It was no help. I'm only allowed to cancell addresses. It's like one hard slap in the face after the other. Do you guys want to sell copies of the Eldritch Skies PDF?

Paizo Employee Customer Service She-Hulk

Hello Astromancer,

I just wanted to confirm with you that this had been taken care of over the phone earlier. Let me know if you have any further questions.


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