can I buy 'skill services'?

Pathfinder Society

and no, not profession (oldest), sheesh!

If I'm in a big town, I can contract with a wizard to cast some spell. Great. Here's what I'd like to do.

1. I have a kerambit.

Ultimate Equipment wrote:
kerambit:This small, curved pull dagger has a metal loop at the base of its handle, allowing it to be secured with a pinky or worn on a string tied in the hair. While relatively small, the curved blade can create brutal wounds. Easily concealed (you gain a +2 bonus on Sleight of Hand checks made to conceal a kerambit on your body), it is a favorite weapon of ninja and assassins.

2. I would like to conceal it in my hair (or in a wig that I then attach to my scalp with alchemical glue), like as a ring on the end of a braid that's secretly a slip knot. Tug the little ring on the end (standard action), ta~da, I'm armed. I've no idea if there's any sort of scenario where my standard 'covered in weapons' clothing would be disallowed or inappropriate, I just believe in preparing for any eventuality.

3. The thing is, I haven't trained in Sleight of Hand at all, so presumably I can't conceal any weapons if I tried. I'd probably just end up stabbing myself in the eye. That's no good.

a) Can I buy the services of an expert (presumably a 'hairdresser of Norgorber') to hide the kerambit for me?
b) I could spend a prestige point and get '+4 on any skill check'. Presumably the two guys who are aiding me on my Sleight of Hand check have Sleight of Hand themselves. Couldn't they just braid it into my wig for me (and they make the check, or take 10, rather than me)?

Shadow Lodge 3/5

There was a big long thread about this a while ago.

Grand Lodge 4/5

2 people marked this as a favorite.

After the long thread mentioned by Avatar, my recommendation to you would be to befriend as many PC rogues, ninjas and bards that you meet. Ask them to braid your dagger into your wig using their sleight of hand.
If the scenario ends and the dagger is still hidden in your special wig, you can ask the GM to note on the chronicle sheet that your wig has a kerambit hidden with a sleight of hand result of XX. That way you can use it once in your next scenario.


Probably not. There is the human spell bestow insight which would allow you to do a skill with a bonus as though you were trained. It does require the caster to have at least a rank in the skill but doesn't require you to haggle over stats for the person performing the skill or stretch the aid of the prestige purchase. Instead you have to find a suitable caster.
The more general answer is that if something is core to your character concept you are best being able to do it yourself.

Dark Archive 4/5

Is it sad that I read this as "kill services" for 2 minutes, and was already writing a reply about how that is your job as a pathfinder?

5/5 5/55/55/5

Caderyn wrote:
Is it sad that I read this as "kill services" for 2 minutes, and was already writing a reply about how that is your job as a pathfinder?

Isnt that MOST of the job of a pathfinder?

Silver Crusade 2/5

I keep telling the Society to stop sending me out to kill things. They don't seem to be getting the idea though!

Why can't I just go help save some towns and redeem some folk!?

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