Ferocious Fistfighter: Unarmed Barbarian Archetype

Homebrew and House Rules

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I put together a homemade barbarian archetype today, but my group canceled at the last minute so I haven't gotten to show anyone.

Then I remembered, holy cow, there's a *forum* where I can put all this!

Link here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/17K3Or8Skl-dHLSdozkMkX3RiWUaT-rj1is_qy5a cu0c/pub

Comments off the cuff:

I might also restrict the class to light armor, just in case it's too good.

I can't believe "Brutal Pugilist" was already taken.

Can't get stupid Google Docs to let other people link to it. No, I don't know why. Instead of a clean, well-formatted thing with italics and bold and things, I guess I'll just have to give out the messy version. Sorry.

Pathfinder Barbarian Archetype

Ferocious Fistfighter
Some barbarians eschew weapons and prefer to fight with their fists, finding a kind of wrathful enlightenment in the fury of battle.

A ferocious fistfighter has the following class features:

Improved Unarmed Strike:
At 1st level, a ferocious fistfighter gains Improved Unarmed Strike as a bonus feat. This class feature replaces martial weapon proficiency.

Rage (Ex):
At 1st level, a ferocious fistfighter can rage for a number of rounds per day equal to 3 + her Constitution modifier. At each level after the first, she can rage for one additional round each day. This ability modifies the rage class ability.

Unarmed Strike (Ex):
At first level, and every four levels thereafter, a ferocious fistfighter’s unarmed strike damage increases as per the monk class ability of the same name, but using his ferocious fistfighter levels instead.

A ferocious fistfighter may now choose to deal nonlethal rather than lethal damage with no penalty to his attack roll while using unarmed strikes or grappling, and his unarmed strikes count as both natural and manufactured weapons for the purposes of spells that enhance such weapons.

This power will not function if the ferocious fistfighter is wearing a shield or heavy armor, even if he is proficient in their use.

This ability replaces the rage powers gained at 4nd, 8th, 12th, 16th, and 18th level.

Frenzied Flurry (Ex):
At 3rd level, a ferocious fistfighter may make a frenzied flurry as a full-round action. While doing so, she may make one additional melee attack this round while taking a -2 penalty on all attacks made this round, as if using the Two-Weapon Fighting feat (even if she does not meet the prerequisites for the feat). All attacks made in this way must be unarmed strikes.

At 12th level, a ferocious fistfighter makes two additional attacks this round while making a frenzied flurry as if using the Improved Two-Weapon Fighting feat (even if she does not meet the prerequisites for the feat).

At 18th level, a ferocious fistfighter makes three additional attacks this round while making a frenzied flurry, as if using the Greater Two-Weapon Fighting feat (even if she does not meet the prerequisites for the feat).

While making a frenzied flurry, a ferocious fistfighter applies her full strength bonus to all strikes. She cannot use any weapon but an unarmed strike to make a frenzied flurry. A ferocious fistfighter with natural weapons cannot use them to make a frenzied flurry, nor can she make natural attacks in addition to her frenzied flurry.

This ability replaces the trap sense ability and increases gained at 3rd, 12th, and 18th levels.

Wrathful Enlightenment (Ex):
At 6th level, while raging, a ferocious fistfighter gains a bonus equal to his Wisdom modifier (if any) to all of his saving throws. This bonus stacks with all other bonuses, including the normal +2 bonus to Will saves normally allowed by rage.

This ability replaces the trap sense increase gained at 6th level.

Primal Power (Ex):
At 7th level, a ferocious fistfighter’s unarmed strikes gain primal power are treated as as magic, cold iron, and silver weapons for the purposes of overcoming damage reduction, so long as he is raging or has at least one round of rage remaining that day.

At 10th level, primal power also treats his unarmed strikes as chaotic for the purposes of overcoming damage reduction.

At 16th level, primal power also treats his unarmed strikes as adamantine weapons for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction and hardness.

This ability replaces the damage reduction ability and increases granted at 7th, 10th, and 16th level.

Bonus Feats:
At 13th and 19th level a ferocious fistfighter gains a bonus feat for which she qualifies. She may treat her ferocious fistfighter levels as a monk levels for the purposes of bonus feats gained in this manner.

This ability replaces the damage reduction increases granted at 13th and 19th levels.

Improved Fast Movement (Ex):
At 9th level, a ferocious fistfighter’s fast movement ability improves, adding twenty feet to her race’s base movement speed.

This ability replaces the trap sense improvement gained at 9th level.

Brutal Force (Ex):
At 16th level, a ferocious fistfighter may take a -2 penalty to his AC to allow his unarmed strikes to deal damage as though he were one size category larger for one round. This ability only modifies his unarmed strike damage, all other weapons still take the normal penalties.

This ability replaces the trap sense improvement gained at 16th level.

The url appears to not work.

Bardarok wrote:
The url appears to not work.

I figured that out shortly after embarrasing myself by posting it. I just put the ugly version up. Sorry about that.

Well here are some thoughts

Improved Unarmed Strike, Improved Unarmed Damage, TWF, Imp TWF, Great TWF, Two Bonus Feats, +Wis to Saves while raging, +20 Speed, Unarmed Strikes Bypass DR, -2 AC for Improved natural Attack for 1 round.

Martial Weapon Proficiency, 5 Rage Powers, 1 Round of Rage/level, Trap Sense, DR

Some attempts at equivalency I like to measure in Feats. It's a squishy term but it kind of works.

Improved Unarmed Strike - 1 feat
Improved Unarmed Damage - Basically Improved Natural Attack five times 5 feats
TWF, Imp TWF, Great TWF but limitation to unarmed strike doesn't count for much as the character will definitely be unarmed striking so - 3 feats
Two Bonus Feats - 2 Feats
+Wis to Saves While raging - 3 Feats (one for each save)
+20 Speed - 3 feats (I know dash is 5ft but diminishing returns)
Unarmed Strike Bypass DR - 3 feats
Brutal Force - 1 feat

Total = 21

Martial Weapon Proficiency - 2 feats (one for a martial one for a ranged diminishing returns for being proficient with all)
5 Rage Powers - 5 feats
1 Round of Rage/level - 5 feats
Trap Sense - 3 feats
DR - 5 feats

Total = 20

Of course all these terms are squishy so I won't say it is balanced but I will say it is close to balanced +/- 2 feats.

Bardarok wrote:

Of course all these terms are squishy so I won't say it is balanced but I will say it is close to balanced +/- 2 feats.

That's about how I tried to think about it too: in terms of feats gained/lost. I wanted something more than just a couple bonus feats for those other two DR levels, but nothing was coming to mind.

Thanks! Glad it seems okay.

I also like the concept. Like a drunken master but instead of alcohol he's shooting up pure uncut rage.

Two extra comments:

I forgot to also drop Shield Proficiency, and that "Improved Fast Movement" improves TO twenty feet rather than BY twenty feet. Unfortunately, it looks like I can't edit.

Okay those help balance a bit your archetype is approximately as powerful as the barbarian and since the barbarian is not a top tier class if its a little more powerful its okay, and if a little less that is okay also. A good rule of thumb is thinking "if I were a power gamer would I take this class because of X" and for this archetype that answer is unclear, as it should be. So much depends upon what enemies you are facing and what loot you get. If the party is rich than this is less powerful than the standard barbarian if they are poor it is more powerful comparatively.

This is highly ironic because I've been trying to find a way to make a class like this, either as an archtype for barbarian, replacing a couple of things for higher unarmed damage, or for monk, replacing some of the more mystic feel for the ability to rage.

That being said, this does give more of the feel that I wished the Brutal Pugilist had. Focusing more on fighting bare-handed, instead of gaining a couple of bonuses to grappling. I think that the Wrathful Enlightenment ability could possibly be a little more OP at that level, but since Wis isn't generally a very high ability it balances out.

Oh, and the reason that your link isn't working is because there's a space towards the end. Here's the fixed link:

https://docs.google.com/document/d/17K3Or8Skl-dHLSdozkMkX3RiWUaT-rj1is_qy5a cu0c/pub

Oh, daggome it! It's *still* not working! What the cuss?!

Thanks anyway, for the feedback and for the advice.

Deko is right there is a space.

Try this

Concept is great, but losing the lame bonuses of trap sense does not equal flurry of blows.

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