new factions

Pathfinder Society


Ok I am very confused on the new factions.

I was part of the Sczarni but now I had to switch.

how does the switch work?

what about already earned Prestige points? do they transfer or do I start over?

I am going with The Exchange but I don't really know how this gets reported. as the web site is not updated yet and so I keep getting prestige reported to Sczarni.

any official help is appreciated.

Liberty's Edge 4/5 5/5

Good news: Sczarni PCs are merged into the Exchange automatically, so you don't need to do anything.


so all prestige point go along with the merge?

5/5 5/55/55/5

Prestige points always stay with you.
Scarzini to exchange we're 99.44% sure EVERYTHING goes with you

So you're doubly good.

Sczarni 5/5 5/55/5 ***

Given the number of vocal opponents who don't believe you get everything transferred over, 99.44% seems a bit high of an estimate.

(though I'm one of the people that fully believes you do get everything transferred over, no matter what Faction you end up going with)

The long story shortened, Edward, is that until Campaign Leadership clarifies exactly what this all entails, nobody is really sure what's going to happen, or when it's going to happen. Despite four different blogs about the Factions, and a short blurb about them in the Guide, there's still much that needs to be ironed out.

For now, you're "The Exchange". Just roll with it until... whenever.

Grand Lodge 4/5

Nefreet wrote:

Given the number of vocal opponents who don't believe you get everything transferred over, 99.44% seems a bit high of an estimate.

(though I'm one of the people that fully believes you do get everything transferred over, no matter what Faction you end up going with)

The long story shortened, Edward, is that until Campaign Leadership clarifies exactly what this all entails, nobody is really sure what's going to happen, or when it's going to happen. Despite four different blogs about the Factions, and a short blurb about them in the Guide, there's still much that needs to be ironed out.

For now, you're "The Exchange". Just roll with it until... whenever.

Since The Exchange is the faction formerly known as Sczarni, there should be no issues with existing Sczarni boons, prestige awards, or vanities transferring over, since you are not changing factions. Now, because of the oddities of The Exchange, you won't be able to earn new Sczarni stuff, you will, instead, earn old Qadiran stuff when playing older scenarios.

5/5 5/55/55/5

I don't think I've seen anyone say you lose anything when you don't change your effective factions

The Exchange 4/5

According to Hero Lab (which isn't official, but does work closely with Paizo on coding) you can still buy prestige vanities from your old faction even after you switch to the new ones.


I wanted to wait until I found if Guaril Karela survived if to stay with the change or not.

The Exchange 4/5 5/5

Finlanderboy wrote:
I wanted to wait until I found if Guaril Karela survived if to stay with the change or not.

Before he "disappeared," Guaril told me to join the Silver Crusade and use their good reputation as cover to continue the family's business.

Silver Crusade 4/5 5/55/55/55/5 *****

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I recommend playing 5-99 The Paths We Choose - the "interviews" with the different faction leaders (and their lieutenants, in the case of The Exchange and The Scarab Sages) at the start and end of each faction's mission really help make clear what each faction is about and how they're largely picking up right where the old factions did.

Some examples from the four I've been able to run for players at and after GenCon:

Grand Lodge - keep an eye out for your fellow agents while you explore, report, and collaborate (one of the things the Shadow Lodge wanted the Decemvirate to do a better job at). This is by far the "I do this for the sense of adventure" and "I do this to work with and watch out for my fellow agents, and bring them back alive."

The Exchange - the merger is a way for both former organizations to get even stronger, using "respectable" tactics when needed, but always ready to "get dirty" when it's most convenient. Plus, just like the Scarni were before, this faction is about profit second only to being a Pathfinder agent.

Sovereign Court - we need better ways to run the world than it is currently, and we're tired of self-important nobles having free reign (pun intended) over everything. As part of our missions as pathfinders, we'll make overtures to like-minded nobles and members of high society, and lead by example.

Silver Crusade - we've done great things in fighting the evil of the re-awakened Runelord and during the Fifth Mendevian Crusade, but now we need to be shining examples in how we comport ourselves outside of war, namely by taking care of our veterans.

I'm personally not 100% sold on the Scarab Sages myself yet, and I'm having trouble trying to figure out which factions are best for a few of my characters...

BUT, on the whole, I really do like the direction the factions are going. By uncoupling them from nations and "formal" organizations, they now become things that PCs in the campaign can have direct influence on, and really reflect what the players want to see from those different aspects of PFS play - making it even more of a "living campaign" than before.

4/5 5/5

Excellent post, Mike. I'll be playing this on Sunday and I'm hoping to get exactly that out of it.

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