Dead character and scenario replays

Pathfinder Society

Silver Crusade 3/5

According to new, version 6.0 Guide,


If a PC cannot be raised from the dead during or immediately after the scenario in which he died, that PC is dead and removed from play. In this instance, the GM reports that the character in question died during the course of play on the tracking sheet provided with the scenario and on the character’s Chronicle for that scenario, and the player will need to make a new 1st-level character to continue play in Pathfinder Society.

bolded by me

For example, I have level 2 character, that died during "The Dalsine Affair" scenario. Will this free "The Dalsine Affair" and other scenario's I played with this character for replay with other characters?

What should I do, if several years later, I found that I occasionally overlooked replay rules (was it different in 2012?) and played with one of my characters a scenario I played with another character several years before?

4/5 ****

Tiaburn wrote:

For example, I have level 2 character, that died during "The Dalsine Affair" scenario. Will this free "The Dalsine Affair" and other scenario's I played with this character for replay with other characters?



The replay rules have basically been the same since season 2...

What do you mean by occasionally?
The solution is probably going to involve working with your local Venture Captain.

Silver Crusade 3/5

OK, thanks for that. I'll talk to only Venture Captain I know, how this could be fixed.

Sczarni 5/5 5/55/5 ***

Just because the character is now dead does not mean the scenarios you played suddenly disappear from your Society #.

I recommend keeping track of the scenarios you've played on one of the many tracking sheets that are available (Google is your friend) so that you can avoid "forgetting" which scenarios you've already played.

Silver Crusade 3/5

It was my first convention in 2011, I was new to PFS and I played 4 games. Year later I come again and my character dies. I generate new one, 1st level come to play 2013. I had no chronicles for my dead character with me so I didn't noticed I signed for scenario I played before. And in year 2014, I noticed my error. It was accident and I do not plan to repeat that.

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