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My guy is one level of Dawnflower Dervish Bard, 4 levels of Rogue, and 2 levels of Halfling Opportunist prestige class, so far. At level 7, he's got 10 wisdom, max ranks in perception, +2 racial bonus, and +2 Rogue Trap Finding, for a total of +14.
Taking 10, I have missed traps before, presumably with DCs around 25. Some of those were a level or two ago, when my bonus was slightly lower. I'll pick up those Eyes of the Eagle - that's a good item I never noticed before, and will get me to 29 on a take 10.
Taking 10 is kind of pointless until you have at least +20, Basically traps you generally worry about are spell traps which have a fixed DC of 25+spell level (meaning 34 maximum for 9th level spells). If you cannot hit a 26+ on a take 10 then you will have to take 20 to detect magical traps (which just means you will take more time).
After that its just a matter of knowing what sort of traps you are likely to come across and being sure your bonus is high enough (if you cannot detect 9th level traps on a take 10, then for really big impressive things take 20 just to be safe but once you can get 5-6th level traps on a take 10 then just take 10 during hallways and basic rooms as its significantly faster).
My Fighter 1 rogue 8 has a Trap finding perception of +20 (9 ranks + 3 class skill + 4 Rogue level + 5 Eyes of the eagle - 1 wisdom) which means I get 5th level spell traps on a take 10, 7th level ones with Heroism on, my disable is a similar value at +21 (9 ranks +3 class skill + 4 rogue level + 2 mwk tools + 4 dex - 1 ACP) which means I can take 10 on disabling any spell trap without risk of setting it off and if that does not work get the party to back off while I disable it properly (unless the DC is amplified by an unknown source).
The problem being I am not really focused on either of these areas I have no skill focus, my stats are not exceptionally focused towards the task, I have only 1 item upping each of the skills for a total cost of 2600gp, no traits or racial bonuses to Perception or Disable.
A focused trap finder would have between +5 and +8 more in both perception and disable device thus completely negating the mechanic by around level 5-7 if you are focused, level 10-11 if you are just maxing the two skills. Hence why I believe the DC's need to scale better just as a core mechanic (either 25+caster level for magical traps or other ways to scale the DC's), it would also reduce people dipping just 1 level for trapfinding as the +1/2 level bonus is not actually required to disable traps effectively.

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Pathfinder and D&D.....like OD&D but without the need for Rogues and Clerics. What a shame that the game is catering to the DPR number crunchers and eliminating some of the most interesting classes. Every should either be a Meatshield or an Arcane Caster anymore and that is sad. I really hope the games get a real overhaul with the next reboot.

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Pathfinder and D&D.....like OD&D but without the need for Rogues and Clerics. What a shame that the game is catering to the DPR number crunchers and eliminating some of the most interesting classes. Every should either be a Meatshield or an Arcane Caster anymore and that is sad. I really hope the games get a real overhaul with the next reboot.
Clerics are one of the strongest classes in the game, actually. VERY far from being "unneeded" or otherwise left out/obsoleted.