PFS Shared Prep & Gencon

GM Discussion

Sovereign Court 4/5 5/5 ***

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Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Like many of you, I've been thinking about my schedule before GenCon, making sure that I have the weekend before free so I will have enough time to prepare the 4 scenarios I have to run that are all coming out that Friday. It occurred to me that I would probably have to depend on the Shared Prep Site for at least one the scenarios if I'm going to prepare them sufficiently. That's when it hit me.

What if we, as a community, got all of the GenCon scenarios prepared and uploaded on Saturday?

This would be an immense help for everyone going to GenCon, since that's a lot of work that wouldn't be duplicated and allowing those under a time crunch to focus on other parts of the scenarios and grab the prep when we're done. We did something similar to this last year with the subtiers of Siege of the Diamond City, which makes me confident that, as a community, we could get all 6 scenarios prepped if we divide and conquer.

Here's what's coming out, and how I'm guessing we should split it up for people to claim.

6-01 - Trial by Machine -
6-02 - The Silver Mount Collection -
6-03 - The Technic Siege -
Legacy of the Stonelords 1-2 -
Legacy of the Stonelords 3-4 -
Legacy of the Stonelords 5-6 -
Legacy of the Stonelords 7-8 -
Legacy of the Stonelords 10-11 -
The Paths We Choose Andoran/Liberty's Edge -
The Paths We Choose Cheliax/Darkive -
The Paths We Choose Osirion/Scarab Sages -
The Paths We Choose Qadira/Sczarni/The Exchange -
The Paths We Choose Taldor/Sovereign Court -
(Bonekeep 3 is also coming out, but Bonekeeps usually have all the statblocks printed in them already, so my guess is that they don't need much prep. Also do we know if there's going to be a separate path for Qadira and Sczarni or will they be merged together?)

Unless anyone can find something wrong with this breakdown, I'm totally calling Technic Siege.


Just as a side note, one thing that I think that as preppers we should focus on is to make sure that the stats for all the magic items in our prep as well. Maybe it's just Philly and online, but I've noticed a bunch of slacking in identifying magic items, since a lot of players assume that they don't need to identify them since they're on the chronicle sheet anyway. Also, it's a pain in the neck to look up the caster level of items you don't know, just like it's a pain in the neck to look up stat blocks you don't know. Add into the fact that recent scenarios have actually been including interesting items, and suddenly identifying items is something that PFS GMs and players should be paying more attention to.

Dark Archive 5/5

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Maps Subscriber

I have a herolab portfolio with all of the Legacy statblocks. I found that there's a bug in the stat block exporter when it goes over a certain number of characters in the output buffer....

but I should be able to work around that to get all of Legacy's tiers posted.


I like this idea a lot. Reminds me of last year when a buddy of minemone and I double-teamed one of the siege docs to get it done quick.

I'll claim Stonelords 1-2 and 3-4...should be a bit easier since we already have most of the scenario and much of it is already IN the scenario.

Should we already have Paths We Choose assignments or will that just break down by table as the players come? I'm assuming the latter.

Edit: well, ninjad. I'll go with Paths We Choose Darkive prep then.


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I should be able to help with The Technic Siege.

Grand Lodge 5/5

I think this is a fantastic idea, but I would like to make one request.

If you are going to help with Stonelords since you have the PaizoCon/PaizConUK version now, and wont bother updating it with the Gencon version, dont bother doing it at all.

I say this as a GM who ended up using incorrect stats for monsters in last years special, because whoever made the document didnt update it. This surely sounds like Im complaining about the quality of free stuff, but when neveryone is supposed to be playing the same thing, YES, it does matter.

That said, despite that I am only running one scenario during the whole con, and it isnt one of those listed above, I appreciate all the help people give by doing this.


Given the last two posts, do we need to clarify that it needs to be the monsters from the published scenario, not the submitted scenario?

"They're really fighting incorporeal ghost robot swarms? Well alright then."


Authors can't post anything from the scenarios until their published so it's a moot point. Doesn't mean I can't have it ready to go and just confirm things haven't changed.

Dark Archive 5/5

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Maps Subscriber
Seth Gipson wrote:

I think this is a fantastic idea, but I would like to make one request.

If you are going to help with Stonelords since you have the PaizoCon/PaizConUK version now, and wont bother updating it with the Gencon version, dont bother doing it at all.

I say this as a GM who ended up using incorrect stats for monsters in last years special, because whoever made the document didnt update it. This surely sounds like Im complaining about the quality of free stuff, but when neveryone is supposed to be playing the same thing, YES, it does matter.

That said, despite that I am only running one scenario during the whole con, and it isnt one of those listed above, I appreciate all the help people give by doing this.

I will probably just generate new tier-specific portfolios because I haven't heard an update from Lone Wolf about a fix for my large portfolio export-statblock buffer clipping problem.

Shadow Lodge 4/5 5/55/55/55/5 ***** Contributor

Just a tiny request, to put statblocks in formats other than herolab, for the people who don't use it. Thanks very much, all, for prepping all of this!

The Exchange 4/5 5/5

I don't know if it's being done this year but last year there was a prep site (invite only) just for the GenCon GMs of the brand new scenarios (BK, special and 5-01,02,03).

Grand Lodge 4/5

CanisDirus wrote:
Just a tiny request, to put statblocks in formats other than herolab, for the people who don't use it. Thanks very much, all, for prepping all of this!

Um. HeroLab stat blocks use the PF standard formatting.

And, I am fairly sure, the person who said he is going to use stat blocks exported form HeroLab is either going to export them in PDF or text format, so that the user won't need HeroLab.


1 person marked this as a favorite.
kinevon wrote:
CanisDirus wrote:
Just a tiny request, to put statblocks in formats other than herolab, for the people who don't use it. Thanks very much, all, for prepping all of this!

Um. HeroLab stat blocks use the PF standard formatting.

And, I am fairly sure, the person who said he is going to use stat blocks exported form HeroLab is either going to export them in PDF or text format, so that the user won't need HeroLab.

I believe last year some of the stat blocks were just available in .POR files is what he's requesting not happen.

Sovereign Court 4/5 5/5 ***

Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Well, if Kyle can have the Technic Siege stuff ready already, no need for me to do that. I'll hop over to Trial by Machine then.

6-01 - Trial by Machine - James McTeague
6-02 - The Silver Mount Collection -
6-03 - The Technic Siege - Kyle Baird
Legacy of the Stonelords - TetsujinOni
The Paths We Choose Andoran/Liberty's Edge -
The Paths We Choose Cheliax/Darkive - zefig
The Paths We Choose Osirion/Scarab Sages -
The Paths We Choose Qadira/Sczarni/The Exchange -
The Paths We Choose Taldor/Sovereign Court -


James McTeague wrote:
ready already

already ready?

Grand Lodge 5/5

I'll take Silver Mount


Well, Darkive isn't looking bad at all. None of the Paths ones are, really. I'll have Darkive up tonight.

4/5 ****

You guys are awesome btw.

Sovereign Court 5/5

Pirate Rob wrote:
You guys are awesome btw.

Oh, we know.


Paths We Choose: DARKIVE

Monster statblock and SLAs for the Darkive mission from The Paths We Choose. I did not include 2 of the SLAs on the high tier since they aren't really suitable for combat.

Do not read!:

Grand Lodge 5/5

Silver Mount also wasn't bad. Content is done, just need to tidy it up.

Sovereign Court 4/5 5/5 ***

Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Trial by Machine was pretty easy, although tricksy rules almost got me!

It took me a little while to figure out why the scenario didn't give the advanced constructs more hit points...

The 6-01 notes are available here.

6-01 - Trial by Machine - James McTeague
6-02 - The Silver Mount Collection - Michael Meunier

6-03 - The Technic Siege - Kyle Baird
Legacy of the Stonelords - TetsujinOni
The Paths We Choose Andoran/Liberty's Edge -
The Paths We Choose Cheliax/Darkive - zefig
The Paths We Choose Grand Lodge -
The Paths We Choose Osirion/Scarab Sages -
The Paths We Choose Qadira/Sczarni/The Exchange -
The Paths We Choose Silver Crusade -
The Paths We Choose Taldor/Sovereign Court - James McTeague

Dark Archive 4/5

Didn't find this till just now, but for what its worth I already posted a basic file for the whole Paths we choose scenario. I'm sure somebody can make it cleaner, but there it is. (At the time of posting it ended up in the Paths We Choose season 6 sub-thread.)

Sovereign Court 4/5 5/5 ***

Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Excellent! Now we only have 2 more left to do!

Dark Archive 5/5

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Maps Subscriber
TetsujinOni wrote:
Seth Gipson wrote:

I think this is a fantastic idea, but I would like to make one request.

If you are going to help with Stonelords since you have the PaizoCon/PaizConUK version now, and wont bother updating it with the Gencon version, dont bother doing it at all.

I say this as a GM who ended up using incorrect stats for monsters in last years special, because whoever made the document didnt update it. This surely sounds like Im complaining about the quality of free stuff, but when neveryone is supposed to be playing the same thing, YES, it does matter.

That said, despite that I am only running one scenario during the whole con, and it isnt one of those listed above, I appreciate all the help people give by doing this.

I will probably just generate new tier-specific portfolios because I haven't heard an update from Lone Wolf about a fix for my large portfolio export-statblock buffer clipping problem.

I had an email exchange with Lone Wolf about this bug report. It's going to be Significant Effort to fix, but there's a workaround that I can use to generate the stat block PDFs. They will be in nominal PFRPG stat block format - not the HL character sheet style.

I'll be working on that as soon as the update drops.

Grand Lodge 5/5

Finally got around to getting the 6-02 Silver Mount Collection doc uploaded.


6-03 - The Technic Siege coming up in a little bit. There's, uh, a lot of stat blocks. ;-)


Done. Waiting for word from P-Rob on why I can't register an account.

4/5 ****

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I have to manually approve, which is now done.

I was out this evening helping destroy traditional marriage.

btw: Congrats Doug & Chuck!

4/5 ****

In case it wasn't at all clear, the wording in my previous post is designed to be humorous.

Dark Archive 4/5 5/55/5 **** Regional Venture-Coordinator, Massachusetts—North Shore

Stat Blocks for Tiers 3-4, 5-6, 7-8, 10-11 for 6-00 LEGACY OF THE STONELORDS has been added to the Prep Forums, thanks to Matthew Starch.


Technic Siege is finally up. :-)

4/5 ****


Sovereign Court 4/5 5/5 ***

Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Ooh! I like the highlighting. Good to know where the important stuff is. :)

And on that note, everything is up!


Huzzah! Thanks for organizing everything, James.

Wayfinders 5/5

Allow me to say, from the bottom of my cold, black heart. Thank you, thank you, a thousand times thank you.

I'm extra-pressed for prep time this GenCon and was overjoyed to see Silver Mount already completed.

Again, thank you.

Shadow Lodge 4/5 **** Venture-Captain, Michigan—Mt. Pleasant

Just an FYI, the 1-2 stat blocks for Stonelords was not the final version. She used the playtest, so they are not complete

Dark Archive 5/5

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Maps Subscriber
Eric Clingenpeel wrote:
Just an FYI, the 1-2 stat blocks for Stonelords was not the final version. She used the playtest, so they are not complete

I have also uploaded my prep of all the stat blocks, because I said I would, so they're all there.

Rob, if you could kill the incorrect one, that'd be great....

4/5 ****

To avoid any spoilers for myself, I've been staying away from the files as much as possible, can you link me the thread/post you want deleted?

Shadow Lodge 4/5 5/55/55/55/5 **** Venture-Captain, California—San Francisco Bay Area North & East

I've got my own set of Stonelord statblocks done up in herolab, but I haven't updated for final draft yet.

Dark Archive 5/5

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Maps Subscriber
thistledown wrote:
I've got my own set of Stonelord statblocks done up in herolab, but I haven't updated for final draft yet.

I used herolab, but I didn't strip unused sources and push the portfolios, just did a HTML => Word => PDF production chain and posted my results.

These two threads are no longer useful as they reference the prerelease version.

4/5 ****

Done, thanks.

5/5 *

snap, found this late... whelp, I got versions of 6-01 and Paths We Chose up as well XD


Just a note that in the 10-11 Tier for my statblocks for Legacy, there's a certain horribly large creature with the damage listed as 4d8. it should actually be 6d6.

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