BigP4nda |
Hi there, I created this race as an altered version on the published Centaur (28 RP) race with the intent of knocking down its RP value, in turn making it just a tad more balanced with the not-so-monstrous races. I plan to use this race in my campaign, and thought I'd post it here if anybody else felt they wanted to use it, or branch off of it into their own ideas. Feel free to do with this what you please, just keep in mind that its not your original idea, it isn't even mine (or anybody's for that matter.)
Centaur (16 RP)
Ability Scores: Flexible (+2 Strength, +2 Wisdom) (2 RP)
Type: Humanoid (tauric) (0 RP)
Size: Medium (0 RP)
Base Speed: 30 ft (0 RP) (+10 ft. Quadruped)
Languages: Centaurs begin play knowing Common and Tauric. Centaurs with a high Intelligence score can choose from the following: Aklo, Celestial, Cyclops, Draconic, Elven, or Sylvan. (0 RP)
Defensive Racial Traits:
Fearless: Centaurs gain a +2 racial bonus on all saving throws against fear effects. (1 RP)
Natural Armor: Centaurs' tough hide grants them a +1 natural armor bonus to their AC. (2 RP)
Feat & Skill Racial Traits:
Skill Training: Centaurs gain Acrobatics and Perception as class skills. (1 RP)
Skilled: Centaurs gain one skill rank at 1st level and one additional rank every time they level up. (4 RP)
Movement Racial Traits:
Sprinter: Centaurs gain a +10 foot racial bonus to their speed when using the charge, run, or withdraw actions. (1 RP)
Offense Racial Traits:
Weapon Familiarity: Centaurs are proficient with spears, shortspears, longspears, and lances. (2 RP)
Senses Racial Traits:
Low-Light Vision: Centaurs can see twice as far as humans in conditions of dim light. (1 RP)
Other Racial Traits:
Quadruped: Centaurs possess four legs and two arms, granting them a +4 racial bonus to CMD against trip attempts and a +10 foot bonus to their base speed. (2 RP)
> Tauric creatures are always considered mounted for the purpose of using attacks, actions, or feats.
> Whenever a tauric creature would make a Ride skill check, make an Acrobatics skill check instead.
> Tauric creatures may use their ranks in the Acrobatics skill instead of the Ride skill for the purpose of qualifying for feats.
> Any bonuses to the Ride skill from feats, features, abilities, or magical effects are instead granted to the Acrobatics skill.
> Tauric creatures breathe, eat, and sleep.
Makeitstop |
I would recommend losing the weapon familiarity with spears and shortspears. It is almost completely pointless, since the only characters who aren't already proficient are wizards. I would also replace longspears with something more interesting, since they already have lances. Exactly what it should be really depends on the fluff, but I would recommend shortbows, which are thematically appropriate.
Also, skilled is useful but dull, and takes away half the identity from humans. Instead, I would say give them static skill bonuses or skill focus or something along those lines. It's less flexible, but gives them more definition. Better yet, give them a 1 or 2 RP magical trait, since they already have skill training.
Also, they should really have a bad stat, especially since one of their good stats is strength. Would it really be that hard to give them -2 charisma?
If you take away the spears, replace skilled with a 2 RP magic trait and give them a bad score, their RP drops down to 11, and you end up with something more interesting.
Saldiven |
Also, they should really have a bad stat, especially since one of their good stats is strength. Would it really be that hard to give them -2 charisma?
If he wants to keep Centaurs closer to the original Greek mythology, a negative to Cha would be inappropriate, but a negative to Wis would be fairly appropriate.
Centaurs in mythology were known for seducing women (I believe one even made headway with Heracles' wife before abducting her); hardly something a low Cha character would be very good at. Conversely, other than the centaur known as Cheiron, the race was known for being lustful, wild, and drunken. This would most appropriately be depicted as a penalty to Wis in the Pathfinder system.
Makeitstop |
Makeitstop wrote:
Also, they should really have a bad stat, especially since one of their good stats is strength. Would it really be that hard to give them -2 charisma?If he wants to keep Centaurs closer to the original Greek mythology, a negative to Cha would be inappropriate, but a negative to Wis would be fairly appropriate.
Centaurs in mythology were known for seducing women (I believe one even made headway with Heracles' wife before abducting her); hardly something a low Cha character would be very good at. Conversely, other than the centaur known as Cheiron, the race was known for being lustful, wild, and drunken. This would most appropriately be depicted as a penalty to Wis in the Pathfinder system.
I don't disagree, I was just working with the stats already presented. Given a wisdom bonus, I felt charisma was the most appropriate penalty.
+2 Str -2 Wis +2 Cha would actually be more interesting to me.
+2 Str +2 Wis -2 Cha would be acceptable enough if we're set on a wisdom bonus
+2 Str +2 Wis needs a justification, and none has been given. It's not like they are famous sorcerers too.
BigP4nda |
Here is a revised version
Centaur (20 RP)
Ability Scores: Standard (+2 Strength, +2 Wisdom, -2 Charisma) (0 RP)
Type: Monstrous Humanoid (3 RP)
Size: Large (7 RP)
Base Speed: 30 ft (0 RP) (+10 ft. Quadruped, +10 ft. Fast)
Languages: Centaurs begin play knowing Common and Sylvan. Centaurs with a high Intelligence score can choose from the following: Aklo, Celestial, Cyclops, Draconic, or Elven. (0 RP)
Defensive Racial Traits:
Natural Armor: Centaurs' tough hide grants them a +1 natural armor bonus to their AC. (2 RP)
Feat & Skill Racial Traits:
Skill Training: Centaurs gain Perception and Survival as class skills. (1 RP)
Movement Racial Traits:
Fast (+10 ft.) (1 RP)
Offense Racial Traits:
Weapon Familiarity: Centaurs are proficient with shortbows, and lances. (1 RP)
Magic Racial Traits:
Lesser Spell-Like Ability: calm animals (1 RP)
At-Will Spell-Like Ability: speak with animals (2 RP)
Other Racial Traits:
Quadruped: Centaurs possess four legs and two arms, granting them a +4 racial bonus to CMD against trip attempts and a +10 foot bonus to their base speed. (2 RP)
Saldiven |
My position is that a Wisdom bonus is inaccurate to the original Centaur of Greek mythology. If anything, they should have a bonus to Charisma and a penalty to Wisdom. A far more appropriate stat mod line would be:
+2 Str, +2 Cha, -2 Wis.
This would be far more representative of the drunken, carousing, over-sexed race depicted in stories like this The Tunic of Nessus, where the centaur Nessus decided to carry Heracles and his wife over a river, one at a time, with the wife first. On the other side of the river, Nessus decided it would be a good idea to try to force himself upon the wife in full view of Heracles, who promptly skewered the centaur with an arrow soaked in Hydra's blood. Considering at this point, Heracles was a known hero and son of Zeus, nobody would argue that Nessus' decision was wise.
The centaur Eurytion got drunk and led a battle in the palace of king Peirithous.
Pholus had a party with Heracles present, but all the other centaurs at the party got completely wasted, leading to Pholus' accidental death.
Rhoecus and Hylaeus attempted to rape Atalanta, the heroic virgin huntress and one of the Argonauts, and Atalanta skewered them both with a single arrow.
The mythological centaur is not known for Wisdom. That's my entire point.
BigP4nda |
My position is that a Wisdom bonus is inaccurate to the original Centaur of Greek mythology. If anything, they should have a bonus to Charisma and a penalty to Wisdom. A far more appropriate stat mod line would be:
+2 Str, +2 Cha, -2 Wis.
This would be far more representative of the drunken, carousing, over-sexed race depicted in stories like this The Tunic of Nessus, where the centaur Nessus decided to carry Heracles and his wife over a river, one at a time, with the wife first. On the other side of the river, Nessus decided it would be a good idea to try to force himself upon the wife in full view of Heracles, who promptly skewered the centaur with an arrow soaked in Hydra's blood. Considering at this point, Heracles was a known hero and son of Zeus, nobody would argue that Nessus' decision was wise.
The centaur Eurytion got drunk and led a battle in the palace of king Peirithous.
Pholus had a party with Heracles present, but all the other centaurs at the party got completely wasted, leading to Pholus' accidental death.
Rhoecus and Hylaeus attempted to rape Atalanta, the heroic virgin huntress and one of the Argonauts, and Atalanta skewered them both with a single arrow.
The mythological centaur is not known for Wisdom. That's my entire point.
I underastand ur viewpoint though this version of centaur is designed to be a magical race created to protect nature. They are humble and mystical and very intune with nature and animals. The penalty to charisma fits into the fact that usually their social circle is the birds and bunnies.