Ramblin' Man

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Scarab Sages

At least my drive in was pretty decent. Including getting past two school buses that were trying to block my way and hem me in behind them. And I didn't even have to cut close to anyone.

Scarab Sages

Anyway, yeah, work is super boring at the moment. The one big project I was still on, the PM brought in two other guys to do most of the design work. So I'm taking that to mean he doesn't want me on the project anymore.

Scarab Sages

There was that hydro test for the client rep I dislike. They messed things up and didn't get started until late. So the test was still going on after 10 pm. I went to bed.

Scarab Sages

I have my monthly status meeting with my supervisor today. I'm going to tell him I've got no projects to work on. Not that I think it'll do any good.

It might be time to once again start looking for a different job.

Scarab Sages

And they rescheduled the mulch delivery for the scouts. It was supposed to be this Saturday, but since the weather is supposed to suck harder than Monica Lewinski, they moved it to the following Saturday.

I'm glad for that. Really didn't want to spend the day outside in the cold and rain.

Scarab Sages

Yesterday was the anniversary of the release of Army of Darkness. Sadly, I always forget because the FB memory reminding me always pops up today.

Scarab Sages

Happy Friday!

Scarab Sages

And the happiest of birthdays to my favorite firstborn child! Holy crap! It's been 14 years since he emerged to terrify all of humanity!

Scarab Sages

He's mother does not like to think about the time involved.

Scarab Sages

I saw somewhere that Mississippi has its first Buc-ee's. Now they can experience the glory. For it is glorious.

Scarab Sages

Now I'm just preparing myself for another eventful day of work...

Oh, wait! This week has been boring because my supervisor hasn't given me any new work in forever, and the one big project I had left I was pulled from for no reason.

Scarab Sages

My supervisor even forgot about the meeting we were supposed to have. He likes to do these monthly check-ups with each of his engineers. Sadly, at least he was too busy yesterday. At least until 5 minutes were left in my workday. Then he tried to see if we could sit down.

Scarab Sages

At least I didn't have to make that drive today. And now I'm debating being "sick" next week so I don't have to go in at all.

Scarab Sages

Anyway.....back to the boy's birthday.

The wife texted me yesterday afternoon to ask if I had gotten him any gifts. I kindly reminded her that she had told me he had given her a list of potential gifts. The implication being she would take care of it. Apparently, but not surprisingly, that was untrue.

So she's finally ordered him some stuff. And we're taking him out to eat tonight. His choice of location.

Scarab Sages

On a much sadder note, I see that Amazon has finally wrested control of the James Bond franchise away from the Broccoli family. That's sad to hear. My guess is they'll do to it what they did to LotR (and Wheel of Time, or so I've heard). Namely s#%t all over it.

I much preferred when Lilith and Satan were fighting over the franchise, and nothing was being done to it. Now the greater evil has won. Time to start buying copies of the old movies on physical media. Before some sensitivity watcher at Amazon decides they're too problematic and need to be "fixed".

Scarab Sages

Since I don't have much to do wrt work (again) today, I'm hoping to get some mapping done. Maybe a little bagging and boarding as well.

Scarab Sages

And at some point I've got to contact the person my son sold mulch to, so I can explain to them the delivery has been rescheduled for next week.

Scarab Sages

Happy Saturday!

Scarab Sages

It's a cold Saturday, with a promise of rain. So I'm once again very thankful the mulch deliveries were postponed until a week from now.

Scarab Sages

The boy's birthday was a modest success. The wife was able to order some things from his list, and Amazon delivered them while we were at dinner last night. So he had birthday presents to open.

Scarab Sages

The boy chose Bluewater Seafood for his birthday dinner. Everyone got seafood except my daughter. She got a burger. I ordered some boiled crawfish. They had a special - 5 pounds for $45. A bit on the expensive side, for my tastes. However, since I rarely indulge I thought it was worth it. They were....adequate. Better than not having them, anyway.

Scarab Sages

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When I ordered the 5 lbs, I think the waiter thought I was crazy. Probably thought that because I'm so skinny I wouldn't be able to eat them all.


Scarab Sages

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There was a lady sitting at a nearby table who also ordered the crawfish. She probably got the minimum 2 lbs. She had them as we sat down, and was still eating them after I finished mine.

F$%@ing amateur.

Scarab Sages

Anyway, the dinner was good. My cholesterol levels are probably hating me right now, though.

Scarab Sages

That reminds me....I've got to get back to my new primary and see about getting some cholesterol medicine other than the rosuvastatin. I think it was giving me headaches. And making my leg pain worse.

Scarab Sages

Anyway, in the absence of the now delayed mulch deliveries, today will be more of the usual: grocery store, comic book store, laundry. I may throw a trip over to Walmart in, but if the weather is as crappy as they say, I might save that for tomorrow.

Scarab Sages

I want to see if Walmart has glass lunch containers. Not only do I keep hearing how bad the plastic ones are for you, but I can also kind of see it. Certain things heated up in them are known to cause small spots to kind of melt. It's creepy.

Scarab Sages

I could order the containers from Amazon, but for once I think I'll just look locally first.

Scarab Sages

First, however, a bit of mapping and music.

Scarab Sages


Spent the last hour or so shifting around books. Trying to make room for important stuff. So I finally moved the last of my Pathfinder books (plus some Pathfinder adjacent stuff I acquired during my Pathfinder phase, and tucked it all out of the way upstairs.

Now it joins all the Adventure Paths and other books. I had put that stuff away in fits and spurts over the last few years. They fit well in magazine boxes.

Scarab Sages

The next step is selling it all. It’s just taking up space.


Now and then you mention that you're doing some "mapping" using Campaign Cartographer or something. I assume you mean drawing maps for a role-playing campaign. From what I just read, you're not running anything in Pathfinder. Are you using some other engine? Some edition or other of Dungeons & Dragons, perhaps? (Maybe you have mentioned in the past what kind of game you're running, and I just didn't see those posts.)

Scarab Sages

No, I don’t game anymore. Haven’t gamed in person since 2013, when I moved away from my last gaming group. I briefly did some online gaming with that group a few years back, but it ended after a few months.

I make maps just for fun. Been doing that for years, but really got into it more Covid hit. I was out of work at the time, with not much to do. I’ve kept it up with, and post maps on my Facebook page. So far I’ve developed two different world maps, with various city and dungeon maps to go with them.

Scarab Sages

Happy Sunday!

Scarab Sages

Happy-ish, anyway. It's still cold and wet outside, but I was surprised with a delivery of a comic book I had ordered awhile back. Didn't think it would get here this quickly once shipped, but now I know FedEx might be the way to go in the future.

Scarab Sages

So between that book and three of the others I bought yesterday, I've got some good reading material for today.

Scarab Sages

Other than a quick trip to Walmart for stuff, I don't have all that much on my plate for today. Some laundry. Some cooking. There should probably be more things.

Scarab Sages

I'll definitely do a little mapping this morning. Probably not much though.

Scarab Sages

That reminds me....music

Scarab Sages

I did read something yesterday that put me in mind of the RDJr quote from Tropic Thunder:

"You went full retard, man. Never go full retard."

Apparently, there's at least one kid around these parts who's too young to be familiar with that quote.

Scarab Sages

Aaaaaarrrrggghhh...Stoopid left ear bud! It keeps trying to fall out. I blame the Universe, of course. And the long, tragic history of my mutant ears.

Scarab Sages

Not good mutant, of course. Just lame.

Scarab Sages

Anyway, time to go do other stuff. And maybe get a third cup of coffee. At some point, I also probably need to write down the things I want to look for at Walmart, so I don't forget anything. That's been known to happen.

Scarab Sages

An 82% Friday to Friday drop? I think that's a new record!!


Scarab Sages

I also saw an article yesterday the Ninja Gaiden series is going to be revived. I remember that as an arcade game from way back in the day.

I think I was still in High School, so that kind of tells you it was a long time ago. Probably longer than some of the punks around here have been alive.

Scarab Sages

Happy Monday!

Scarab Sages

A very foggy morning, but a mostly pleasant drive to work. Until right at the end, when I came across a complete pansy in the u-turn. When we got through it, I had to cut him off. Otherwise, I'd have never made it all the way over.

Scarab Sages

I accomplished much in my trip to Walmart yesterday. Got the new blanket I was looking for. Also found some adequate glass lunch containers. I bought a two-pack with dividers, a two-pack without dividers, and one slightly larger version.

Scarab Sages

Awhile back my wife had bought the boy a new lunch bag when he thought he'd lost his. Then he recovered his old one from his school's lost and found, so the new one was just sitting there. I have now claimed it as my own.

Scarab Sages

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And the bonus....

I wandered through Walmart's movie section and found a six-movie bluray set called The Vincent Price Collection. It's got The Pit and the Pendulum, The Masque of the Red Death, The Haunted Palace, The Fall of the House of Usher, The Abominable Dr. Phibes, and Witchfinder General.

It's not Fall, when I usually buy horror movies in preparation for October viewing. Nevertheless, I could not resist.

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