Ramblin' Man

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Scarab Sages

Okay, so I do get cranky on occasion. In my defense, these days it's more likely due to jacknuts crapping all over stuff I've loved since my youth.

Scarab Sages

And maybe there's a bit of old(ish)-age crankiness thrown in for good measure.

Scarab Sages

Perhaps a bit of dad crankiness as well.

Scarab Sages

Happy Saturday!

Scarab Sages

Overall, yesterday ended up being pretty decent. I did stay online with work a little too long.

Scarab Sages

Then the wife wanted to watch the Deadpool and Wolverine movie. She initially wanted to buy it digitally, but I put the kibosh on that.

Scarab Sages

I tried the digital collecting for a bit. Then realized I prefer physical media.

Scarab Sages

As for the movie....it was okay. A far cry from its predecessors.

Scarab Sages

You could definitely see Disney forcing them to tone it down a bit. And forcing them to include a lot of stupid crap like the TVA. There was definitely a clear lack of jokes about a certain type of creepy adult. Which, considering this is Disney Marvel, is not surprising. Jokes like that might hit too close to home.

Scarab Sages

Anyway, today is more of the usual. Plus some extra stuff. I was considering going to the convention put on by my comic book store, but the more I think about it the more I probably won't do it.

Scarab Sages

For one, it's a 45 minute drive (each way) to get to the convention center where the con is being held. So that's gas, probably pay for parking, then pay to get in, all on the off chance there might be people there selling back issue I want.

Scarab Sages

I certainly don't give two craps about the "creators" who are going to be there. Except maybe Denys Cowan. He's probably the only one I would want to meet and maybe get an autograph.

Certainly not Jim Lee. I meet him and I'm likely to say something that'll piss him off. It'd be richly deserved insults, since he's helping ruin DC comics.

Scarab Sages

The rest of the "creators" are people I either don't know, or so vaguely recognize that they can't be important enough for me to waste time and energy trying to meet.

Scarab Sages

Who knows, though? I could get extremely bored, temporarily go a bit more crazy, and decide to drive down that way.

Scarab Sages

Either way, I'm gonna get some reading material today. The three Doctor Fate issues I ordered should be arriving. And I had an email this morning from Amazon saying my Savage Sword of Conan Volume 1 Omnibus is arriving today instead of Monday.


Scarab Sages

Now I'm debating on waiting another half an hour for my third cup of coffee. I've been trying to space them out more. It seems easier to do at the office during the week.

Scarab Sages

In other news, the dog is done with her medicine. Her infected spots have been healing up nicely. So overall she's doing much better.

She's still scratching a bit, which might necessitate another bath tomorrow.

Scarab Sages

I was a bad zombie this morning. I indulged far too much in Diablo 4. Spent about 4-1/2 hours playing it.

Scarab Sages

Hey, though! Got my barbarian up to level 60. And my fire sorcerer up to level 71.

Scarab Sages

Then in the last half hour I prepared a marinade and put the chicken in it. Shaved. Showered. Now eating lunch.

Scarab Sages

After lunch, I’ll get some clothes started in the washing machine.

Scarab Sages

Then I’ll take the boy over to REI and see if we can get his hiking backpack adjusted for next week. And maybe get him a better something to hold water.

Scarab Sages

At some point I hope to do a little bagging and boarding.

Scarab Sages

Maybe some reading. Depending on what exactly I bag and board.

Scarab Sages

I was considering giving the dog another bath today, but my D4 badness put the kibosh on that.

Scarab Sages

Anyway, got to finish lunch and get my butt in gear.

Scarab Sages

Dang. Over at REI it took hardly any time at all to get the boy’s backpack adjusted. And the dude helping us with that also recommended some water sleeves. We picked up a nice 3L one.

Scarab Sages

So with all that out of the way, I can focus on stuff here at home. Got one load of clothes finished, another in the dryer, and the third and last in the wash.

Scarab Sages

So….the big decision now. Do I read through one of the three omnibus books I have? I’m already a little way into one of them.

Or do I read through some old Batman? I can bag and board them in the process.

Or do I just start re-bagging and boarding my Flash comics? These are Wally West era. The second series I ever started collecting (and the first from issue 1).

Scarab Sages

Or do I throw myself a curve and reread Salem’s Lot? After having watched that awful remake the other day, I feel the need to cleanse my palate.

Scarab Sages

Happy Monday!

Scarab Sages

We'll see, anyway. It's going to be a busy week. Both in and out of the office.

Scarab Sages

I've got a troop committee meeting tonight. Then at least 4 boards of review scheduled for tomorrow night's regular troop meeting. I'll probably have more scheduled before tomorrow night actually gets here.

Then on Wednesday I'll have to do my first order of awards and rank badges for the upcoming Court of Honor.

Scarab Sages

Near the end of the week, I'll assist the boy in getting ready for his camping trip. Most of my assistance will come in the form of printing out his checklist and bugging him to make sure it's completed.

Scarab Sages

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Oh, and yesterday I ended up throwing myself the curve. Started rereading Salem's Lot. Such a great book. Written back when Stephen King was less of a douche.

Of course, that's when he was probably on lots of drugs....

Scarab Sages

I had a decent drive in this morning. Was able to catch up to and get past the school buses. After that it was pretty smooth sailing.

Scarab Sages

But my phone started buzzing while I was driving. Checked it when I got to the office and found a text from my boy saying the dog had some "play time" with another armadillo.

F-ing critters.

Scarab Sages

Happy Tuesday?!?

Scarab Sages

More like tired Tuesday. And only going to get more tired.

Scarab Sages

I don't think I realized just how busy this week is going to be outside of work.

Last night was the troop committee meeting. Tonight, is the regular troop meeting, with at least 4 Boards of Review already scheduled. Tomorrow, I need to put in the (first?) order for the Court of Honor during the day, then do an Eagle Board of Review in the evening. Thursday and Friday I'll be hounding the boy to get his packing done for his camping trip.

The troop will leave for the campout early Saturday. After that I'll need to hit the grocery store. Then the Scout Shop to pick up the order I place on Wednesday. Then the comic book shop.

Scarab Sages

Somewhere in all that, I've got about a million other small chores and tasks to get done or get started.

Scarab Sages

Hey, though! At least I had a very easy drive in. My timing was nearly impeccable. I got ahead of all the buses from the start. And only caught one light briefly.

Scarab Sages

And I've got to remember to keep checking my email. The Kickstarter campaign for Dracula Book II: The Brides, by Matt Wagner and Kelley Jones goes live today.

I want to make sure I get one of the limited-edition copies signed by both creators.

Scarab Sages

Anway, time to make some donuts.


Scarab Sages

Huzzah! Got my signed, limited-edition copy of Dracula Book 2 graphic novel ordered on the Kickstarter campaign. Also added a t-shirt and a limited edition color art print.

I say again, huzzah!!!!

Scarab Sages

It's not going to be a Happy Wednesday. It's going to be an f-ing busy and annoying Wednesday.

Scarab Sages

AT least I had a fairly decent drive in, despite the best efforts of some very foolish people.

Scarab Sages

Finished off yesterday doing 4 boards of review at the scout meeting. Then I find out the boy was made grub master for the upcoming campout. Which means I have to take him shopping for grub on Thursday.

Scarab Sages

Then on Friday evening, the troop is meeting at the church for 7 pm for a gear check and to make sure everything is hunky dory.

And then we're back at the church for 6 am Saturday morning so they can depart.

Scarab Sages

Thank the gods I get up early anyway. Except since it's 6 am, I won't be able to drink coffee yet.

Unless I get up earlier than usual.

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