Ramblin' Man

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Scarab Sages

I hardly caught any lights, though. So it was still a win in my book.

Scarab Sages

Yesterday wasn't too shabby either. The Monday morning team meeting was nice and short. The big boss spent most of the morning in a meeting, so he wasn't in his office staring at the back of my head like some beady-eyed little creep, and I even had a task assigned to me.

Scarab Sages

Granted, that task didn't make its way to me until late in the afternoon, but it kept me busy until it was time to go home. And I've still got a bit to do on it this morning.

Scarab Sages

On top of all that, the a-hole who's supposed to be the lead ME wasn't in the office. Huzzah!

Scarab Sages

Then last night I watched Train to Busan. Such an awesome movie. One of my favorites.

Scarab Sages

After it was over, I watched a couple of episodes of Evil. I had watched the first season a while ago, on Netflix, but season two wasn't available until recently I think. Since it had been so long, I'm now rewatching season 1.

Scarab Sages

Yesterday turned out to be a super busy day. It looks like the rest of the work week might be fairly busy for me as well. So I went from barely any work being given to me, to a bunch of it.

In part because the guy they hired as lead ME, while very experienced in the oil and gas industry, is kind of an a-hole. Who sometimes sleeps at his desk.

Scarab Sages

I'm just the guy they tend to turn to when the poop hits the fan. I get the joy of cleaning up other people's messes, and typically the blame as well.

Scarab Sages

We had a scout meeting last night. I didn't expect to have any boards of review but ended up with three of them. And I've already got one more scheduled for next week's meeting.

Scarab Sages

Now if only I could get my son to stop being so lazy and do some advancing.

Scarab Sages

One of the ASMs got up to talk about the high adventure trip the troop is planning for the summer. It's up north, on the border of the US and Canada. I restrained myself from asking if he expects to see sasquatch.

Scarab Sages

I think the boy wants to go on this one. He'll be 14 by then. Of course, they choose this year to pick the trip where the age limit is 13.

Scarab Sages

Still, I think he'd enjoy it.

Scarab Sages

It'd be expensive though. I told him he'd have to do good in the fundraisers. We sell Poinsettias for the fall/early winter. And in late winter/early spring, we do mulch sales and delivery/spreading.

Scarab Sages

I decided to take this Friday off from work. It's normally my work from home day anyway, but I decided to make it a no work from home day. As long as I can get all my work done, that is.

Scarab Sages

Which I plan on doing, since I went ahead and made an appointment with the eye doctor for Friday morning.

Scarab Sages

Well, the a-hole who was the lead ME has now been let go. So now myself and the younger ME have to pick up his slack. Which we were already doing anyway.

And the big boss wants me to get my PE license in New Mexico.

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Aberzombie wrote:
One of the ASMs got up to talk about the high adventure trip the troop is planning for the summer. It's up north, on the border of the US and Canada. I restrained myself from asking if he expects to see sasquatch.

Boundary Waters? I've been there quite a few times it's pretty bad ass.

Scarab Sages

Apparently, the dude they let go yesterday had been given a drug test. That's the rumor anyway. No word on whether it's what triggered his dismissal...

Scarab Sages

Not that I'm complaining. Neither are many other people.

Scarab Sages


Scarab Sages

I had a pretty good drive in this morning. Only caught one or two lights, merged pretty seamlessly twice (which is awesome when you're in sync with other drivers and you pretty much just exchange places at the same time), and got to the office without catching too much rain.

Scarab Sages

Today should be a fairly busy day. Tomorrow I take off all day.

Scarab Sages

In theory, anyway. If I don't get enough done today, I might log in briefly from home tomorrow to finish stuff up. I do have an eye doctor appointment tomorrow, though, so I've got to at least take some time off.

Scarab Sages

And my bosses want me to get my PE license in Louisiana as well.

Scarab Sages

Since I need at least three people, each with an active PE license, to act as references for the reciprocity, I called up one of my old Philly work buddies yesterday. It was nice to catch up with him, however briefly.

Scarab Sages

Today, I might shoot an email over to the guy who was my supervisor when I first started here. He left to go somewhere else, but he's still an active PE, so I can use him as a reference as well.

Scarab Sages

Happy Friday! I took the day off! And with the office closed on Monday it's "Hello four day weekend!".

Scarab Sages

I've got nearly all the references I need for expanding my PE license to other states. Just one more is needed. I'm currently waiting to hear back from a former coworker about that - a document controller at the company I first worked for here in Texas. She's one of the few people I trust to be a good character witness.

Scarab Sages

I did get some responses back from the NCEES late yesterday. This is the organization that runs the PE test nation wide. They also maintain a database of references, job experience, education, etc. that makes it easier for people to get reciprocity in other states.

So, currently I'm only a registered PE in Texas. I can go to other states, fill out some paperwork, and direct them towards the NCEES database. They can access the information about me stored there to then give me reciprocity and license me in that state.

Scarab Sages

I think some states do a similar thing with concealed carry permits. Typically for engineers every state recognizes the NCEES.

Scarab Sages

Anyway, the responses I got back from NCEES tell me I have to provide more details of my work history. Understandable.

When I initially filled most of that information out, I was...not in a good place. I did a kind of half-assed job of it. Very little detail.

Scarab Sages

That was years ago. Since then, I've kind of stopped caring about my PE license. I consider it basically worthless, mostly just a target for lawyers, and a way for the state to get more money (from fees). However, I can sort of still see the value in it.

And since my company is paying me well, and will cover the fees, I figure it can't hurt.

Scarab Sages

So I'll pad out the work history details a bit more. At the same time I'll reach out to my former co-worker again (through FB this time maybe) and get her permission to use her as a character reference.

Scarab Sages

Other things I have planned for today:

Eye doctor appointment (one for me this morning, one for the boy this afernoon)
Try to finally finish up BG3.
Maybe do some bagging and boarding with my new mylar bags (just delivered yesterday)
Watch my new 4K copy of The Crow (the awesome original, not that craptastic reboot they just released).

Scarab Sages

I've also got to keep encouraging the wife to go to the doctor. I'm fairly certain she has a sinus infection brought on by allergies.

Scarab Sages

Happy Saturday!

Scarab Sages

Both the boy and I had satisfying visits to the eye doctor yesterday. Mine was in the morning. His was in the afternoon. While both of us need slightly stronger prescriptions, neither's vision progressed as badly as we might have thought.

Scarab Sages

Then I spent most of my Friday revising my work history on the NCEES website. They wanted more details. Hopefully I provided enough this time. Except for my recent work with my current company, it can be hard for old man brain to recall work details going back up to 20 years.

Scarab Sages

At one point, my nephew did come over to "say goodbye" so to speak. My brother and his wife were bringing him to college this weekend. They left sometimes yesterday evening, probably after my sister-in-law and nieces finished with school.

Scarab Sages

He's a pretty good kid. I have utmost confidence he can get through college without being corrupted.

Scarab Sages

It helps that he's planning to study engineering. That's a field which, in my experience, has people who are typically too practical and sensible to be too f'd up by the idiocy of the modern, so-called "higher" education system

Scarab Sages

And I'm not too worried about some of the more social idiocy infecting that system these days. He's faced some of the worst of that already, and come through okay.

Scarab Sages

On to more pleasant topics!

Scarab Sages

I visited the dry cleaners yesterday, so that's one less errand to run today. Which means more time for something fun.

Scarab Sages

Speaking of fun....Last night I watched my new 4K copy of The Crow. Such an goofy fun movie.

Scarab Sages

And this morning I played a bit of BG3. Finally entered the end phase of the game. I'm going to try and finish it up this weekend.

Scarab Sages

I might take advantage of the extra long weekend and sales going on to head over to Best Buy and pick up a surround sound system of some kind for the TV.

Scarab Sages

Somewhere in all this, I'll try to convince my wife (again) that she needs to go to the doctor for her sinus issue. I'm going to try and make an appointment for the boy was well. I'm pretty sure he's got an infection up in them sinuses.

Scarab Sages

I'm hoping the comic book store was able to get some magazine boxes since last week. I need at least one to be able to reorganize my book shelves.

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