Ramblin' Man

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Scarab Sages

Anyway, time for another thrilling day of twiddling my thumbs.

Scarab Sages


Scarab Sages

I'm bored, but at least I don't have the big boss looking over my shoulder the rest of the day. Apparently, he had to go pick up his daughter from school.

Scarab Sages

It turns out, I do not like OneDrive. It's too creepy.

Scarab Sages


Scarab Sages

Maybe. I had an email waiting for me from the PM who just doesn't know how to say "no" to any of a client's demands. Including ridiculous ones.

Scarab Sages

The IT people did something to the company portal here at work, so now I can't order office supplies. Since I needed more sticky notes, I just took them from the reception area.

Scarab Sages

We don't actually have a receptionist anymore. They did at one point, but that was before I started here.

Scarab Sages

Which also happened to be before the company went into bankruptcy.

Scarab Sages

At least they can't blame that on me.

Scarab Sages

2 people marked this as a favorite.

The classic rock station played Living Colour's Cult of Personality. Probably one of my all-time favorite songs. Awesome to drive to.

Scarab Sages

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Getting to listen to that song made up for the idiots I had to deal with on the drive to work.

Scarab Sages

Happy Friday to one and all!

Scarab Sages

One of my co-workers, who's in charge of the designers and a PM, finally had it with the lead mechanical engineer not getting things done on his project. He removed the dude and replaced him with yours truly.

Not a surprise. I'm used to cleaning up other people's messes.

Scarab Sages

Another co-worker actually had video of the lead ME sleeping at his desk.

Scarab Sages

Anyway, the only thing that should concern me about all that is it means more work for me. Which actually makes me happy.

Scarab Sages

Talk about cutting it close. Yesterday and this morning I've already been involved in a mad scramble to help a scout get all his Eagle Rank Requirements signed off and turned into the council for approval before he turns 18. Which is today.

Scarab Sages

They asked if I could take the paperwork down to the council headquarters, but seeing as I'm working today.....

Scarab Sages

So the dad said he had time to take it down.

Scarab Sages

Once it's all approved, we can schedule a Board of Review up to 24 months later.

Scarab Sages

Well, the kid got his Eagle Board of Review approved. So he's good to go for that. Now I just have to organize the BOR.

Scarab Sages

I finished up watching that Sweet Home show. It was kind of weird, but fun to watch. They killed off several people I really liked. Now I don't know what to watch next.

Scarab Sages

Anyway, after I was done watching the last two episodes of Sweet Home I still had some time before bed. So I watched the still extraordinarily awesome Batman The Animated Series. One thing I loved so much about that show, besides the awesome voice cast, was that some episodes were written by actual comic veterans.

Scarab Sages

It's still awesome after all these years. And it follows the comics lore more accurately.

Scarab Sages

The boy has a scout event today. There going to a local water park called Splash Town.

Scarab Sages

It's a little after 8 am here now. I've already been up about 2 hours, just finished my second cup of coffee, and have already been to the public dump and back.

Scarab Sages

So I think I'm going to have cup #3, work a little on a map, then get my shower and start my regular routine.

Scarab Sages

Except going to the comic book store. Since I've got some other stuff to do, I made my trip to pick up new comics yesterday at lunch.

Scarab Sages

After my trip to the dump, however, my garage is a bit more spacious. I've still got to rearrange some stuff, though. All the better to roll my new generator out there.

Scarab Sages

If I get a chance, I may go out to a store to look for a new desk.

Scarab Sages

Anyway....Mmmmmm, coffee.

Scarab Sages

Happy Sunday to one and all!

Scarab Sages

Yesterday was a busy day. Today shall also be a busy day, just not as much.

Scarab Sages

I’ll be smoking a beer can chicken later. That’ll be dinner tonight. And lunch at some point in the week.

Scarab Sages

Maybe lunches. It is a fairly large chicken.

Scarab Sages

“Hey man! Did you see the size of that chicken?”

Scarab Sages

Watched Battle Royale for the first time in awhile. This was my new copy of the director’s cut. Such an awesome movie.

Scarab Sages

I’m going to try and get some reading done today. Maybe some bagging and boarding as well.

Scarab Sages

That reminds me. I need to order some Mylar bags and new boards to go with them.

Scarab Sages

Preferably some bags for both current day comics and silver age ones.

Scarab Sages

Anyway, time to go do a little clean up outside, before I get around to the rest of my day. It’ll just be a little sweeping this time. I’ve managed to keep a lot of the usual crap off my sidewalks this week, mostly through the judicious application of sprinkler water.

Scarab Sages

I cannot, in good conscience, say "Happy Monday!". There have been omens this morning which make me think today has the potential to be rather craptastic.

Scarab Sages

First, my jeans were a bit tight on me this morning. So I'll be feeling uncomfortable all day. That at least does have an upside, as it means I'm steadily putting on weight again.

Still, bad omen #1.

Scarab Sages

Secondly, traffic was worse than usual this morning. Even for a Monday. Lots of idiots in the way.

Bad omen #2.

Scarab Sages

Thirdly, some rat bastich motherf&%$ker here at the office stole my f&%$king parking space.

Bad Omen #3.

Scarab Sages


Happy National Dog Day.

Scarab Sages

And since the upcoming weekend is Labor Day Weekend, I might just take off work on Friday.

Scarab Sages

Other than that, it's time to move on to other things.

Scarab Sages

Happy Tuesday?!?

Scarab Sages

At least my drive to work was better than yesterday. Until I got close to the interstate that is. Then the drive briefly turned into a clusterf%$#k, as we had two big trucks, one in each lane, slowing everyone down. Add into the mix a couple of a-holes determined not to let people get over, and it was chaos for a few seconds.

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