Ramblin' Man

Off-Topic Discussions

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Scarab Sages

At some point I also want to take bags of used clothes and dump them in one of those donation bins. Those things seem to be everywhere.

Scarab Sages

The boy couldn’t make it through War for the Planet of the Apes last night. He started to fall asleep on the sofa. Then he just got up and went to bed.

Scarab Sages

I did note that Dune part 2 has dropped on streaming. So I can finally watch it. Maybe tonight.

Scarab Sages

Since the HOA was complaining about the areas of my front lawn where the grass is gone, we’re working on getting the situation fixed. Part of the problem is the oak tree’s roots growing along the surface and killing large areas of grass.

We had a dude come out to look at it. As I suspected (a) cutting out a sufficient number of roots my kill the tree, and (b) it’s planted so high up (on a little mound) removal of enough roots would destabilize it.

Scarab Sages

So I've got him working up a cost estimate to remove the oak tree and its roots. Then replace the grass and put in a new, probably different tree.

I might try to get a gum tree. We had one at the house I grew up in, and I recall my father always saying the roots of that tree just go really deep.

Scarab Sages

Plus it’d make a great new Tree of Woe.

Scarab Sages

Now I’m debating a third cup of coffee.

Scarab Sages

Yesterday was a busy day. The boy and I got a lot of cleaning done, though.

Scarab Sages

Still a little more to do today.

Scarab Sages

The wife and daughter come home today, bringing my mother with them.

Scarab Sages

Last night I introduced the boy to one of my all-time favorite movies, John Carpenter's The Thing. He enjoyed it, but sometimes the sounds the Thing made when revealed were disturbing to him.

Scarab Sages

Speaking of the boy, today he finally started on his packing for Summer Camp. And he quickly realized the cot he insisted he had was nowhere to be found. We had borrowed it from my brother, so it's most likely we gave it back to him.

Scarab Sages

Of course that presents a problem. It's Memorial Day, so I don't know if any of the stores we would usually go to and buy such a thing are open. Maybe they are, maybe they aren't. Won't know until their opening hour comes around.

Scarab Sages

If I had my way, we'd go to REI. They've typically got better products. I just don't know if they'd have it in the store.

If they didn't have any in stock, I'd probably have to order it. In which case I wouldn't get it in time.

Scarab Sages

Going to Academy might be easier, since it's much closer. And I have to go to the grocery store anyway, so it might make more sense to just hit Academy.

Scarab Sages

At the comic book store the other day, I found a paperback of the Crime Stories of Ray Bradbury. So, of course, I bought it.

Scarab Sages

Not making the donuts today, but I still have lots to do. So I might as well get started.

Scarab Sages

Yesterday was a very productive day. More cleaning at the house. A trip to the grocery store. A trip to Academy Sports. And, of course, welcoming my mother for her two week stay here in Texas.

Scarab Sages

It was nice seeing her face to face for the first time in a few years. She was very happy to be here. Even the dog didn't freak out as much as I thought she might.

Scarab Sages

And the boy is now taller than his granny.

Scarab Sages

My daughter was thrilled to have gotten to spend time with my in-laws and their new dog. He's known as Charlie the three-legged dog.

Scarab Sages

According to my daughter, Charlie the three-legged dog really likes to snuggle.

Scarab Sages

So I'm in the office today, Thursday, and Friday. I'll work from home as usual tomorrow.

Scarab Sages

The drive in was really smooth this morning. I think I only caught one light, and that was just before getting on the interstate. So not too shabby.

Scarab Sages

It's Work from Home Wednesday, but it doesn't feel like it. Feels more like Tuesday.

Scarab Sages

And that's why I prefer Friday holidays.

Scarab Sages

Yesterday was, for various reasons, a particularly annoying day at work.

Scarab Sages

Not the least of which was continuing computer issues on the new laptop.

Scarab Sages

For the record, I hate OneDrive in all it's horrible, Microsoft glory.

Scarab Sages

I'd much rather just horde files on my laptop.

Scarab Sages

There's an old woman somewhere in my house. I don't think she's awake yet, though.

Scarab Sages

That's okay though. She's earned a lot of mornings sleeping in, considering how many decades she spent getting up early while raising my brothers and I.

Scarab Sages

Time to make the donuts, I suppose.

Scarab Sages

I've almost come to dislike working from home every Wednesday. Lately it seems whenever I do, something annoying comes up with work.

Scarab Sages

Still, not having to drive in one day a week is pretty cool.

Scarab Sages

I submitted our plan to fix the lawn to the HOA buttheads. The reply was polite, but asked for additional information their system in no way made clear was required. So that wasn't really a surprise.

Now I've got to get a copy of the survey map for my property.

Scarab Sages

We actually are supposed to have one that came with the closing documents. Unfortunately, that was 10 years ago. What's more, they didn't give us hard copies, but access to digital copies. And it doesn't look like we ever accessed them, which means the code to do so doesn't work anymore.

Scarab Sages

Either that, or we did access them, and just can't find the digital copy. Might have even created a password for the account, and just don't remember it.

Scarab Sages

I find that difficult to believe, however. I'm usually pretty decent about keeping passwords around. And if I downloaded the files, it'd be on the computer.

Scarab Sages

Anyway, time to make something not at all resembling donuts.

Scarab Sages

Or almost time. Still have a few more posts I'm compelled to make.

Scarab Sages

This place will never be the same…..

Scarab Sages

Yup....still not the same.

Scarab Sages

I think back to that Paizocon I attended in 2012. It was a fun few days but I missed an opportunity to visit the Paizo offices and interact with more of the great folk who, at that time, provided me with much entertainment.

Scarab Sages

3 people marked this as a favorite.

And now I'm feeling nostalgic for the "good old days".

Scarab Sages

And, of course, I can't help but feel a morbid curiosity at how people might react when I'm gone.

Scarab Sages

Probably breath a sigh of relief.

Scarab Sages

Or cheer.

Scarab Sages

Happy Friday? No even remotely.

Scarab Sages

At least I dodged what appears to be a somewhat nasty rain storm on my drive to work.

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