Official PaizoCon 2014 Feedback Thread

PaizoCon General Discussion

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Dark Archive

Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber
Drogon wrote:
Sara Marie wrote:

And thus the usefulness of the feedback thread! I will make sure to coordinate with Mike Brock next year to make sure expectations on when to show up for PFS games are consistent and included in the on-site program book.

For what it's worth, I don't think Mike was the one switching around times. He told me that the time on the ticket would be fine when I asked him what table, so I think he would have been in the same boat I was if he had been wanting to play that table.

What you need is a hard and fast rule on when mustering starts, and when it is assumed a ticketed player will not be showing up. It's all well and good to start mustering as early as possible, as that will get tables started more promptly. But seeing as my table was Table #1, I'm assuming that those guys were wanting to get started and, when a sixth man showed up and asked if he could get in (and I still hadn't showed up) the people doing the mustering said to start. When I was trying to figure things out they were still trying to seat other tables (the largest numbered tables, of course).

Ticketed people should be given until the start of the slot, at the very least.

If I may be so bold: a sign should be posted at the muster location saying when mustering will start for the next slot, and another sign stating when un-ticketed players will be seated. Communication can't be screwed up, that way.

I'm pretty sure that Sara-Marie wasn't implying tha Mike was responsible for the problems, more that he is the mos appropriate person to determine what consistent line should be.

The Exchange

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Drogon wrote:
If I may be so bold: a sign should be posted at the muster location saying when mustering will start for the next slot, and another sign stating when un-ticketed players will be seated. Communication can't be screwed up, that way.

What? Are you saying we Pathfinders can't screw this up? We can nitpick the freak out of the simplest and clearest rules and you think we Pathfinders can't make a farce of this?!

Challenge accepted.

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Adventure, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Easiest way to screw it up: forget to flip the sign to the next slot.

Bonus points: Leave it on the Friday morning slot for the entire convention.

Liberty's Edge

Starfinder Superscriber

Even better: don't erase the PaizoCon 2014 boards, and just put those up for PaizoCon 2015.

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber
rknop wrote:
Even better: don't erase the PaizoCon 2014 boards, and just put those up for PaizoCon 2015.

Which will be especially hilarious after Sunday Lunch when the con is still going, but the 2014 boards just stop...

I'm sure there is a spreadsheet showing what times are blocked out for what things. Indeed, that was published in the folder we got.

Before opening up the lottery for specials, please please PLEASE post a .PDF of the tentative events scheduled. If I can see clearly that "Seminar: Flaming Kitten Juggling*, how not to get burnt" will be happening during "PFS: All of us against Lisa Stevens and Mike Brock", while I might really enjoy the game I *know* I need to better handle flaming kitten juggling. A way to block out on a PDF I've printed out will let me avoid putting in for a lottery I will not likely wish to attend if only I'd known something more important is going on.


*This is not to condone or promote the juggling of real flaming kittens, rather it is a metaphor for sustaining new player enthusiasm and keeping them from rage quitting in anger and confusion while educating them about the game and sustaining the interest of players who just want to get on with it. No real harm to kittens is implied, but being a GM does seem to imply skill in "juggling flaming kittens".

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